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Re: FSB: 66 vs 100 vs 133 MHz

The overall clock speed has far more impact than the FSB - if that's a 450MHz (100 x 4.5) CPU, then it's underclocked, normal, overclocked. Now if it allowed a 3x multiplier at 100 and a 2.5x at 133, that would show the difference that FSB alone makes. Some CPUs, you can lower the multiplier on, but …

Re: Getting Starship Titanic to Work on XP SP3

in Windows
There is a specific mention of the Cinepak CODEC problem http://www.starshiptitanic.com/game/faq.html#1.7.1 Wonder if there are any sound codecs that are also broken / not present. If it's the "N" (no media player) version of XP, then you may need to install Media player to bring some of the support …

Re: Case restoration

If there's room, us a bit of thin plastic on the back as a patch, rather than trying to glue edge to edge alone. Cyanoacrylate based (superglue) sticks pretty well to the thin plastic that many things are packed in - used some as a patch. in applying though I used some tissue to press it, and ended …

Re: The Parts Store Experience

in Milliways
Internet killed the parts shops, and the computer fairs - not helped by the fact that my local area had TWO circuits of computer fairs competing, and they added more events not far away. Funnily enough, the one local shop that does survive - is the worst of the lot, a clueless guy that probably …

Re: Regionally common hardware

in Milliways
The Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer was very popular in Britain and then cloned like mad behind the Iron Curtain. It was sold elsewhere, but never sold in the numbers like they did in the UK and Eastern Europe. The peculiarly British - BBC Micro and the Acorn Archimedes - and the Amstrads, mind you, …

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