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Re: Cannot type anything in DOSBox

Yes, but OP seemed to have a similar CD that did nothing - that's why I suspect his CD had autoexec lines with problem programs. I know the Dosbox/SDL keyboard layer can have problems with input (for example, my laptop ]\ keys don't work correctly until I remap them, but desktop keyboards work fine …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Just for grins: the 16 bit windows depend.exe I found seems to work. Misc demos/games/WinPascal report linking to "Kernal, GDI, User", Stars! game reports "Win87EM, Kernal, GDI, User, CommDlg, ToolHelp". The Stars! dirctory also has dlls "CTL3Dv2.dll, Hyperfind.dll, WaveMix.dll", but apparently …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

ReactOS is a cool project, and I've followed it from afar for a few years. I'd love to see it succeed, but that seems far away for now. Ubuntu's billionaire made me wish for such patrons for projects like ReactOS and DosBOX "those unlikely features" versions and so forth. Happy to fall on that sword …

Re: Cannot type anything in DOSBox

I'm also suspicious about the autoexec lines - if dosbox is running a program that "does nothing" (because it crashes, or because it takes an hour to launch) the behavior would be what you say. There is even a remote possibility that a program changed the text color to black before quitting and …

Re: x86 CPU emulation test suite?

in PC Emulation
Is there an existing available suite of tests I can use while developing an x86 emulator to check my CPU emulation? (ASM, I assume?) I didn't see any, much less a 'standard' set. I assume the various emulator projects have some, but not sure if it's alright to snag them for my own purposes - …

Java inside DosBox

Now you know I'm crazy. :) So I was thinking about how nice it would be to run games implemented in Java in a little portable install, so of course "Java in DosBox" is the first thing to come to mind. I hate installing Java in Windows, it's such a whiny little resource hog, always begging for …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

:) Yes, I should pester them for details if I really want to follow up, but was curious what leileilol had in mind. I like your speculation, we'll see. If'n I had the big bucks, that's another place I'd like to spend some for "the good of the community." And a further tangent, IIRC, I remember the …

Re: Linux inside Dosbox - any success yet?

After thinking about this, if it were to work to run some toy linux on dosbox, it would have to be a 16 bit linux distro one that probably has to be able to boot from a floppy image. (Maybe a CD or harddrive image.) It would have to talk to the hardware as emulated in limited fashion by DosBox. Or, …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Those are very interesting projects. I haven't run into HX DOS before, I'll check it out, thanks. When you say "no APIs to wrap to", I'm not clear what you mean, could you expand on that? What I understand of Wine is basically a translation layer of libraries to load and provide Windows API support …

Linux inside Dosbox - any success yet?

I was wondering if anyone had success running a light/old distro of linux on doxbox 74? I see old topics that say "no way in .72," but nothing more recent bubbled up in the search. I know I can run it for real in something like VirtualBOX, but I love the lightweight-ness of dosbox compared to the …

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