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Re: Anyone else collecting cassettes?

in Milliways
Definitely keep, why are you even asking? Build quality and nostalgia, I'd say... What's the purpose of the display on the Saba? Well I put up a shelf for my BPC in my man cave and think it looks and sounds superb :happy: Looks great, escpecially combined with the C64! Though a 386 or early 486 …

Re: Anyone else collecting cassettes?

in Milliways
I'm guessing the feet that make it look like separate components, but aren't. These Sharp systems aren't that great, to be honest. I personally would invest in better speakers. I recently got a Grundig Fine Arts double tape deck from a friend. Though the single, non-auto reverse tape decks are …

Re: Why don't usb to ide/sata adapters exist?

in Milliways
This took me a little while to parse. You mean IDE/SATA on the host to USB for the device? Assuming this. Because it's a niche product anyway, and USB is much harder to interface - compact flash is pretty much IDE and SD cards can be accessed via a serial protocol, much simpler than USB. It isn't …

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