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Re: Daggerfall

I mean, I can't count how many times I had to walk backwards while facing a monster, shooting arrows. This kills the game. Thank god for my P166 then 😀 heh....and we still do the same thing in Oblivion. Some things never change....

Re: Daggerfall

The Windows XP patch is bugged - when I tried it out, I couldn't walk backwards or strafe properly, and the game had a few other bugs. Luckily it worked like a charm on my retro PC (P166) - otherwise, DOSBOX gave some weird graphical errors with the CVS I tried. Never tried it on 0.65 though. Great …

Re: The hatred of DosBox

Saying that you can't learn DOS now is silly - DOSBOX is much simpler than MS DOS ever was. You don't have to endlessly fiddle with memory settings, drivers, etc. anymore to be able to run a game for one and it's much more compatible than most hardware at the time. A few months ago, I decided to try …

Re: New CyclesAuto feature

With the official 0.65 release I had this problem: The autocycles feature was bugged and would lower the cycles but not increase them again. Also, sound would sound really warped and horrible opposed to the changed mixer in the latest CVS which skips sound. The latest CVS seems to work much better …

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