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Re: Why is DosBox stuck on SDL 1.x?

If you look at the thread for the SDL2 patch, you'll see that SDL_sound (ogg and mp3s in CD images) and audio CD support have been issues. I think it's also worth pointing out that the SDL2 port of Chocolate DOOM (which doesn't need to play audio CDs) took quite a while.

Re: Patch for OpenGL fullscreen bug

Hmm... I second the thanks for the explanation, gulikoza. I was wondering why they were used at all. Attached is a patch, made against r4000, that actually removes them from the code, instead of just disabling them. This is the patch to apply for people who would prefer to deal with the borders …

Re: DosBox-0.74-ES

Did you do anything for the mt32 support beyond just integrating munt's official dosbox patch? If so, I just might have to borrow your work on that for My Dosbox Fork.

Re: Patch for OpenGL fullscreen bug

I think it's also worth mentioning that I've encountered this "sides of the screen are corrupted" bug on my friend's Hackintosh, which had a GTX 760, and on my Slackware box, which has a GTX 970. Both of these computers were built at least partly for games, and therefore use the binary NVIDIA …

Re: My DosBox fork

Here are two screenshots that I think justify the project. The first is the EGA verison of LOOM as it usually is in ScummVM and DosBox. Note the dithering, which the monitors of the day would have displayed as solid colors: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8z16s7rxlvnf4cq/loom_unfiltered.png?raw=1 The …

Re: My DosBox fork

From what you just wrote, I would definitely recommend installing the dependencies with Homebrew instead of MacPorts. Homebrew actually puts files (and symlinks) where the compiler expects to find them. Then doing a DosBox build for your system is literally just ./configure ; make ; make install. I …

Re: My DosBox fork

I can't help with MacPorts because I don't use it. I use Homebrew, and IIRC GLEW, FluidSynth and SDL2 were all found by DosBox's ./configure (just ./configure with no flags) after being installed with Homebrew. Munt (if you want to try the built-in MT-32 emulation) needs to be built with ./configure …

Re: My DosBox fork

I've just pushed a major update to the master branch. It's now powered by SDL 2 and can use custom shaders, which I have a good selection of. I'll leave you to look at ENHANCEMENTS.md The collection of shaders is a stored in a separate repository, here: https://github.com/duganchen/dosbox_shaders …

Re: Patch for OpenGL fullscreen bug

As of the current -svn, I actually think that problem might be the code that uses pixel buffer objects to upload pixel data to the texture before drawing a new frame. In my tests, the corruption went away after I disabled them and used only the code paths that assumed they weren't available.

Re: MT-32 Music too lound in Ultima Underworld

in MT-32 General
People, uwsound.exe (to choose IRQs, etc) and uinstall.exe (to choose your sound devices) are still included with the GOG release of Ultima Underworld. No matter how you installed the game (ran the installer, extracted it with innoextract, etc), you have a file in your Ultima Underworld directory …

Re: Fluidsynth soundfont patch

A small modification to bloodbat's patch is attached. It includes the necessary changes to configure.ac. On POSIX systems, it also does shell-expansion of soundfont paths. That means that they'll work if they contain dollar signs (environment variables) and tildes (to signify user directories). It …

Re: Basic GLSL shader support (prototype)

I converted Libretro's Cg scanline shader to this format, mainly to prove to myself that I could do it. It ended up being a very clean port. The zipfile is attached, and the shaders themselves are small enough to just inline. At the very least, it should be a useful example for people who want to …

Re: My DosBox fork

What could be wrong? Well, I can imagine some thing... The first is not having FluidSynth's development packages installed at the time that you build the fork. As mentioned in the release notes, if that is unavailable then the fork will be built without soundfont support. You should be able tell …

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