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Re: Windows 95 & DOS games

1990+ DOS games are the ones I am targeting but I seem to recall the Win 98 had issues with a portion of the games that I played from that era hence my desire to see if Win 95 would be a better environment for those games. Unlikely. I'd say DOS compatibility is on the same level in Windows 95 and …

Re: AMD drops the mic

in Milliways
I do understand the need to use a 32-bit OS in some scenarios, but those don't require any of the new CPU's to run properly. Sometimes you need *new* machines, and still be able to run 32-bit OS on them. It's one thing if AMD or Intel announced that their new CPU wouldn't run 16 and 32-bit OS'es, …

Re: Windows 95 & DOS games

Most games run straight from Windows 95 or 98. Those that don't (usually very old ones, or those that are very picky when it comes to DOS memory requirements) can be run from clean DOS 7. But I don't recommend the "restart in MS-DOS mode" mode. It still keeps parts of Windows (WIN.COM) resident, and …

Re: Compiling DOSQuake on DOSEMU or DOSBOX?

Does the final DJGPP run on 16-bit DOS? I don't have any DOS machines at hand. I tried on VMware Player with DOS 6.22. The game works when run with -nosound parameter, otherwise it crashes. I guess this is vmware issue. 320x200 is too fast and stuttering, while higher resolutions are quite low on …

Re: Compiling DOSQuake on DOSEMU or DOSBOX?

I *did* compile Quake on DOSBox, but it's very slow. It builds without problem on XP with newest DJGPP toolset (or rather it did a year ago). Here's my never-finished and semi-abandoned source port. Pay attention to the "dos" branch which contains some DOS-specific fixes. https://github.com/Azarien/ …

Re: Windows games that use MIDI music?

Have you ever listened to it? It still exists even on Windows 10 machines today, and you'd probably be better off with OPL3 MIDI If you refer to software wavetable MIDI, it's useful with DOSBox. Select General MIDI in-game and it'll kick in if there's no other MIDI hardware. Better than Adlib/OPL …

Re: The Witcher (novel) in English

Just don't forget it had also been translated to many other languages before. It is best to read it in your native language cause of its rather advanced vocabulary. I heard that the English translation is unfortunately one of the worst, at least when it comes to the older books. I only read the …

Re: Is win2000 as great, as every claims it to be?

in Milliways
Windows 98 is better suited for games because that NT kernel is not compatible with some games. With all the updates and latest DirectX (DX9?) it's similar to XP. Some older games detect 2K and XP as NT and simply refuse to run even if they would run without problems. Mechwarrior 2 is an example. …

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