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Re: Hardware you wish you'd never bought.

in Milliways
I regret buying a GF6600GT at the time it was new, I imported it from the US and it fried a few months after, then I purchased another one and the new one also fried a few months after. Gave up and ended up with a radeon 9600xt. Years later I found out the issue was on the apartment's electrical …

GINSTALL - Installer Menu for DOS

Hey everyone, Some (long) time ago I created a small menu application to install multiple DOS programs from a distribution media (i.e. CD) to the user's hard drive. The main idea behind it was to create compilation CDs with DOS shareware/freeware titles. Since it was released, some users got in …

Re: What games did you become really good at?

in Milliways
I used to be a huge fan of fighting games and I'm quite competent playing them compared to the average Joe, but after playing them online for years, I got to a point where I'm stuck because: -Playing against people outside the fighting game community became too easy, sometimes I have to hold back a …

Software for drawing game graphics

Hi everyone, Can anyone recommend any good software for drawing graphics to be used in a DOS game? What did game developers at the time use? The drawing utility itself does not need to be old or run under DOS, as long as it allows me to draw stuff inside EGA/VGA palette limitations. Thanks in …

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