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Re: Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 3D-Acceleration

As the description says, it supports MMX instructions, so there would be a performance benefit when running on MMX CPU's. MMX is SIMD, and given 3D calculations heavily involve matrix and vector operations, SIMD would benefit the performance immensely (at least x4 for vector ops, possibly more for …

Re: 32-Bit is dead

Highly unlikely a 4GB file would be loaded in it's entriety. It would be streamed and buffered. If that was the case, the file size limit would be the size of RAM of the computer, which is not the case. Also given Win9x is bugged with more than 512MB without patching, and even then 2GB is the …

Re: Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 3D-Acceleration

A bit off topic... what are the benefits of adding these third party OpenGL libraries to Win 9x, in particular, for games? Good question, I wonder the same. As the description says, it supports MMX instructions, so there would be a performance benefit when running on MMX CPU's. MMX is SIMD, and …

Re: 32-Bit is dead

Alternatively, a Raspberry PI is also excellent for this task. Raspberry Pi is proprietary, expensive and overly complicated ... PI Zero with GPIO header pre-soldered is 13 GBP? ... without header, even cheaper? Pi Zero WH supplies wireless too. IoT and all that... However, as a developer, you'd …

Re: english, the planetary language

As a brit in North America, I am frequently mistaken for Australian, I think it's just any accent that's not "BBC English"(oldskool) is thought to be Australian. So to help out Australia's international image I always reply "Pass the vegemite cobber and watch out for the drop bears, nah, yeah?" ;) …

Re: english, the planetary language

I'm a Brit (well born in US, but raised UK), while not "Queens English", my accent is pretty 'British' with hints of 'west-country' ('pirate' speak). I was in San Antonio once and a waitress said to me... "You English is very nice, you must be Australian"... I'm still confused about that question …

Re: vintage open world games

Carmageddon was an early game that I remember I enjoyed exploring... trying to reach places/platforms without totalling oneself, looking for big ramps etc. I played that before GTA. hmm, probably not what you mean when you say open world. o.0

Re: vintage open world games

Errius wrote on 2021-07-28, 18:48: I was going to mention Terminator. Interestingly it didn't get an Amiga release. Was that beyond the machine's capabilities? A 3D open world game from the early 90's on an Amiga... Nevaaaaar !!!!

Re: Would you be interested in an x86-based alternative to the Raspberry Pi, optimized for retro gaming?

That is correct; a product like this would primarily find use in applications that demand massively parallel floating-point operations ... For the OS, we'd ideally acquire a Win98 volume license on the secondary market, but barring that, we could sell systems that dual-boot FreeDOS and ReactOS with …

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