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Re: So embarrassing..what's the default bios password for this PC Chips Cheetah 486 board v1.7 motherboard?

FWIW I've got an Award BIOS socket 3 board which has no CMOS battery (just a connector for an external one) and it too requires a password to get into the BIOS if you don't connect up a battery. Luckily being Award, AWARD_SW works. I can't recall now though whether you need to put in the password …

Re: So embarrassing..what's the default bios password for this PC Chips Cheetah 486 board v1.7 motherboard?

The old site seems to be accessible but the BIOS files are password protected on their FTP: https://web.archive.org/web/19970626045321/http://www.pcchips.com/bios.html Another set of passwords to try, they're space separated (source: internet) ALFAROME ALLy aLLy aLLY ALLY aPAf _award AWARD_SW AWARD? …

Re: Fixing a Roland SB-55 floppy MIDI player

Ok I think the issue resides into bad capacitors. I replaced C7 capacitor (it's an ugly soldering job since I don't have tools for SMT) and I gained back some functionnality! The midi file load and plays for a few seconds but stop after that and I got a "dEr" message meaning that my floppy is bad. …

Fixing a Roland SB-55 floppy MIDI player

Hi, I've got a Roland SB-55. It's a floppy-based MIDI player, little brother of the mighty SC-55. The SB-55 basically read .MID files on a floppy and plays them through it's MIDI OUT port (it also can record from its MIDI IN port onto a floppy). The problem with my SB-55 is that when I plug the DC …

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