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Re: I've an idea: Let's get some game development going

in Milliways
Ugh it's coming back how slow working with floats used to be lol. I knew a guy who was doing "fixed point" math which would let you do similar to floating point operations but a lot faster - could be a way to do get both the speed and accuracy: http://x86asm.net/articles/fixed-point-arithmetic-and- …

Re: I've an idea: Let's get some game development going

in Milliways
Perhaps - an earlier commenter pointed to an older version of Allegro that supported DOS - but as far as the physics you get out of Box2D, to me it'd be cool to have a DOS game that had realistic physics. Even if you did the graphics yourself, which now i'm sure you would based on your work on the …

Re: I've an idea: Let's get some game development going

in Milliways
As fun as it would be to write something from scratch, having some modern advances like Box2d would be super convenient for physics / collision detection / callback/delegates-based coding that makes game programming a lot easier. There's an implementation of Box2D for Allegro, not sure if it works …

Re: Mouse moves at souble speed horizontally

Ultima 8 is calling function 0xf of the mouse driver to change the mickey/pixel ratio to 3 horizontal and 16 vertical. The default ratio is 8 horizontal, so no wonder the speed is off. Using the default ratio gives equal speed on both axes. Maybe there's some issue that causes it to use that ratio, …

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