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Re: Unreal 1 - What is your opinion about it?

Two things that stood out to me about Unreal were: 1) Wide-open spaces. That first moment when you emerge from the ship and see the giant cliff and waterfall were one of those FPS defining moments. Similar moment when you are approaching the Sun Spire and realizing what a huge structure it was. 2) …

Re: Someone have basic "Kit" or "list" component assortment for Vintage computers?

I'll echo the above comments that trying to collect a bunch of random components before hand doesn't make a lot of sense. Same thing with generic component kits. I've bought a few of those in the past. I end up using one or two components from said kits while the rest collect dust. I currently track …

Re: LIfespan of DOS-based games post Windows 95

I really did not want to go for i845, but for 3+ GHz on 865, and to get ISA there was not available, no boards on ebay/ali, so on. Axiomtek IMB-200 motherboards are readily available from China and have i865 chipsets and support 3+ GHz processors. There are dozens of listings currently on Ebay. …

Re: LIfespan of DOS-based games post Windows 95

1997 was the year when Windows started to take over, but it even then it didn't fully replace DOS. I was still playing games like Blood and Shadow Warrior in DOS that came out in 1997. It wasn't until 1998 when I remember fully switching over to Windows gaming.

Re: Help choosing right CPU throttler

Ahh, I see. Thanks. So, I take it the boxes that are empty, for the PIII, are features it doesn't have...? And the ones in green with an asterix are the ones it does...? Correct. The green boxes with the asterisks are for supported features. Empty boxes are unsupported features. I'm a bit confused …

Re: What game are you playing now?

Recently returned to playing Elden Ring and started an RL1 (level 1) challenge run. Currently in the mid-game. It's been challenging but quite fun so far. I'm at a point where almost everything can one-shot me. Reminds me of playing old school NES platformers where you die in one hit.

Re: Help choosing right CPU throttler

Yeah, I've tried both of those. I can't remember SETMUL, but I know CPUSPD has a number of options I'm not quite familiar with, except disabling the L1/2 caches. Or is there a Windows version that has different options? No, there's no Windows version. It's a DOS utility. Since you're trying to …

Re: Help choosing right CPU throttler

I use CPUSPD and SETMUL. CpuSpd - A Hardware Based CPU Speed Control Utility for DOS/Win9X Retro Gaming SetMul - Multiplier control for VIA C3 / AMD K6+7+8 Mobile / Cyrix 5x86 Keep in mind that any throttling capabilities will be largely dependent on your specific motherboard and CPU. Not all …

Re: Clueless question about VR...

You load up an FPS game, and it has mouselook. You move the mouse left and right, and the view pans left and right. You move the mouse back/forward and it tilts the view up and down. Now you transfer those functions to the motion tracking of the headset. You turn your head left and right and the …

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