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Re: Questions on a contemporary gaming PC

My budget isn't particularly limited, but still I am a greedy one and want to think of a 'bang per buck'. That's why I thought of an used 16-core Opteron 6380 which is maybe $150-200 16 cores may be overkill for the desktop even in this day and age. Server applications are designed to scale with …

Re: Westwood Monopoly Roland SC-88 Recording?

New Monopoly recordings are up! Completely re-recorded, no longer drenched in reverb and I think a number of stereo issues got fixed as well. Let me know if there are any issues in any of these. :) New versions are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmOd77O7F88&list= …

Re: Questions on a contemporary gaming PC

2. Opterons are processors designed for servers. Probably not what you want for a desktop PC. Personally, I'd go with the best CPU you can afford, and Intel has generally be preferable to AMD for awhile now. If you can afford it, go for something like a Intel i7-7700. You should be reasonably ' …

Re: Westwood Monopoly Roland SC-88 Recording?

You're quite right, in giving these a re-listen they are drenched in reverb. That's what I get for not paying close enough attention the first time I recorded them. 😵 Anyway, I'll give these a re-do after I do a reinit of the SC-88, so the results are closer to the stock sound of the SC-88.

Re: Overclocking/trashing vs. longevity of retro hardware.

For those who want period correct, an overclocked Celery 300A or Barton 2500+ is simply emblematic of enthusiast hardware of their time. Not too many people bought P2-450s or Barton 3200+ (400mhz FSB versions) because they were extremely expensive and could essentially be replicated (or exceeded in …

Early CM-32L/64 versus later models?

I was watching the PhilsComputerLab' comparison of the various Roland CM modules . In it, he goes over the 'clicking' bug, where earlier models of CM-32L and CM-64 devices would exhibit clicks/pops in certain MIDI songs. My question is how much of a detriment is this in practice, particularly when …

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