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Windows 98 on Virtual PC

in PC Emulation
Hi, does anyone have tried put a midi file in a Virtual PC, running old OS, and try to play it, but it sounds like a weird sound. Does anyone knows how to fix that sound? Also, why is the MIDI soundfont in the old OS, sounds different?

Re: Warcraft 2 resolution

in Windows
Ok guys, compare these pictures. This is NVIDIA scale. http://i65.tinypic.com/206y4pt.jpg This is NVIDIA scale with fixed-aspect ratio. http://i67.tinypic.com/2rcpsox.jpg No scale. I think this one was the original scale, but it looks so small. I don't think the monitor during the DOS era was that …

Warcraft 2 resolution

in Windows
Hello, the monitor screen resolution for this game was originally 640 x 480. Monitor is 1280 x 800, if it plays in 1280, the screen looks distorted, does anyone else who uses LCD monitor widescreen has the same problem as mine? The fixed aspect ratio might work, but I was wondering if anyone else …

Re: USNF 97

Yes, but Jane's FA has issue with Ukraine campaign, the screen goes 'Could not set video mode 1'. I know there is a fix that will skip the cut scene, but I hope there is a fix that gets the cut scenes played. What is a frame limiter? Can it be included in USNF?

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