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Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

But download please ☺️ I need to optimize it first before considering releasing it again. Right now, the conversion from 256 colors to EGA planar is done in C, and OpenWatcom is not smart at all. Here's a small benchmark I did comparing different modes on my 486 laptop (Intel DX4-75): Ultimate Doom …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

appiah4 wrote on 2024-09-13, 06:40: ViTi95 wrote on 2024-09-12, 16:09: There is no way to run Doom full screen high detail on a 386 at 35fps unless someone creates an ISA 2D/3D accelerator 😅 Someone will produce a 386-1GHz to spite you 🤣 Didn't IBM release a 386 variant running at 100MHz? Dunno if …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Adding Heretic / Hexen / Strife would require a lot of work, so it's not on my priority list. The same goes for extended WAD support (like Sigil, MBF, Boom, ...). BTW I've added an entry in the wiki with all the ideas I want to include in FastDoom (this doesn't mean all these ideas will make it into …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

I’m not trying to argue, you are the Author but it’s easy to see how someone could get confused. Also even more annoying when you click the Doom8088 wiki link it says “RealDoom” immediately under the header, which I’m pretty sure is a separate but similar unrelated project? I've fixed the DoomWiki …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

I've managed to source a camera that can record 60 fps video, here is FastDoom running uncapped on my Pentium II (266MHz) Toshiba laptop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7IjZE_67gg BTW both Doom8088 and RealDoom deserve all the respect. Porting the Doom engine to x86 16-bit instructions with 64KB …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Creating a wireframe is relatively easy to do, as the MDA mode already uses wireframes for walls. It should be really fast in VGA mode-Y, since it's possible to fill the entire screen with a single color using REP STOSD + 4-plane write mode, and then draw only the necessary lines. However, I want to …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

AI is not magic. Any attempt I've made to optimize ASM code in ChatGPT wasn't succesful. But to be fair, there are some small parts of FastDoom that ChatGPT has helped to develop, mostly boring stuff like reading files. It works for *very* basic C stuff. i have a suggestion: now that fastdoom has …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Exciting News! Doug has been working on frame interpolation and it's very close to be 100% finished. Now visuals update faster than 35 fps with this new option (options -> display -> uncapped fps ON). This feature works well on faster 486 systems or 5th generation CPUs (K5/K6/Pentium/Cyrix 6x86/...) …

Re: FastDoom. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

The way Doom renders columns I wonder if 16bit mode wouldnt be faster. Most of the render loop is column strips anyway meaning single pixel transfers, should be no speed difference between 8 and 16 bit writes and might let you skip color lookups? Good question, I think a 16-bit video mode should be …

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