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Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Well I don't really know why the 386 executables are usually faster than the 486 ones. The only difference between them is that the makefile of the project tells the compiler (Open Watcom 1.9) to optimize for the specified processor. Also the 486 executable usually weighs 8~12 Kb more than the 386 …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Now I finally got to test fastdoom. This time the test hardware was a Digital Celebris 560, at least its innards: - VLSI chipset - Pentium 60 - 24MiB of FPM RAM - Onboard S3 Vision 864 - together with the VLSI chipset it yields a (n un)healthy SiS496 PCI level of VGA performance. So, it's ~12k in …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

New video! This is showing my new visplane renderer, which is much faster but only allows flat colors to be drawed. The old one has been modified to reenable diminished lightning so everyone is happy now :D. Every visplane is stored in a set of columns, and latter transformed into spans, merged and …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

I tried out v0.4 and v0.5 on my 486 DX4 120MHz/VLB, and while they both have a slighter lower realtics count than v0.3 the difference is very small (3612 vs 3601). It is very warm today though, compared to when I benchmarked v0.3 :P I guess you are using the 486 build, can you test the 386 build …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Cool, I'll be sure to try it out (once my computer room is below Hell temperatures). I'm curious to see if the FPS has improved even more, compared to my earlier benchmarks. What do you mean with Sega Saturn shadows? Was there something bad about the shadows in the that port? The implementation I …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

New release! https://github.com/viti95/FastDoom/releases/tag/0.5 Changelog: Faster Potato mode. Now it's 100% native potato mode and doesn't use the LQ mode to draw the screen. Fixed Sega Saturn shadows in potato mode. Added "-init" parameter, it forces the user to press a key to start the game. …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

HandOfFate wrote on 2020-08-10, 11:10: DracoNihil wrote on 2020-08-06, 23:54: Potato mode might as well be SNES Doom mode, that's the huge vibe I get from the graphics looking that way. Were you using a GUS for music in that video? I think that card is an AWE64 Value You're right, it is an AWE64 …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

^^ neat! Hell of a lot more fluid than my 386. I don't know how much of that is CPU & how much is new optimizations, but I'm willing to bet my ET4000 wipes the floor with that OAK VGA card, at least. 486 processors are way faster than 386 due to the inclusion of the L1 cache, it's normal to run …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Hey there's a thread about the project in Doomworld and you might want to join the conversation. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/116001-fastdoom-dos-vanilla-doom-optimized-for-386486-processors/ Wow this blows my mind, I never expected to gain so much attention! Thank you for notifying me, …

Re: FastDoom 0.4. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

I was wondering how FastDoom is compatible with DeHackEd? You need to specify custom offsets for data for each binary provided, is that correct? This is in the context of the possibility of making a DOS binary for REKKR based on FastDoom. The executables are different so offsets to functions and …

Re: FastDoom 0.3. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

New release!! FastDoom 0.4 Added autorun support (F11 key). Added mono sound support. Enabled with "-mono" parameter. Added low quality sound support (8000Hz instead of 11025Hz). Enabled with "-lowsound" parameter. Fixed Doom 1.9 shareware menu (thanks @MrFlibble !) Included sound library into the …

Re: FastDoom 0.3. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Did you see the release of the source code for the SNES port? I saw some people saying that those optimizations could be useful for older PCs as well because of some of the lookup tables it used, I think? Yeah, what an awesome release!!. It's completely different from the original source code, and …

Re: FastDoom 0.3. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Does FastDoom use chunky or mode X? Just because rendering in the main memory then copying it to the frame buffer by dwords can be significantly faster, especially when a fast CPU meets a slow VGA (like in my 1996/97 system where the AMD 5x86 was seriously held back by a dog slow Tseng ET3000 :D) …

Re: FastDoom 0.3. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

Playing with the shareware 1.9 IWAD does not display the third episode's title for some reason on the episode selection screen. I'll check into this, there are more bugs out there for sure. Is Doom faster when it uses a chained hash table instead of linear search? I haven't implemented it yet, but …

Re: FastDoom 0.3. A new Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible for 386/486 personal computers!

So assuming you run this on normal details how much faster is it from stock DOOM? This whole project looks to be very nice, kudos! In my testings using high detail + full screen + status bar and audio enabled it gains around 15% performance on a 486DX-50 with a VLB video card (Cirrus Logic). …

Re: VGA Capture Thread

I've tested the StarTech VGA2HDPRO2, and it's really a good product but it has one big flaw... No support for 720x400@70 so no VGA text modes, BIOS or old games (tested only with DOOM). With that resolution the scaler shows an "unsupported" message, but anything above or equal to 640x480 is perfect …

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