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Re: Best monitor / resolution for 2000 rig?

I had a Philips Brilliance 107P4 which could do 1920x1440@60Hz but using that resolution was incredibly impractical and I never had the graphics hardware that had horsepower for that (neither do I think there ever was such hardware for that). 1280x960 was my desktop and gaming resolutions of choice …

Re: Raspberry Pi 4 is here!

in Milliways
There is only one thing that matters.. Can it decode x265 in hardware? Otherwise it's worthless to me. EDIT: YES, it has H265 hardware decoding; I'll eventually get one to replace my media player setup.

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
GoblinUpTheRoad wrote: Started playing a cool little RPG from 1992, Amberstar. Don't know much about it, but it seems to have a good reputation. Looks good so far. amberstar.jpg That's an Amiga game as far as I know and a very acclaimed one too.

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