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Intel 430HX L2 256Kb VS Intel 430HX L2 512Kb VS Intel 430TX L2 512Kb - Motherboards comparison

Since I have a bunch of Intel ATX motherboards in my possession, I've decided to compare them directly. It would be good reference point, because they all were made by Intel. ============================================================ Motherboards: Intel TC430HX with 256 Kb L2 cache Intel TC430HX …

Re: Voodoo 1 vs. Voodoo 2 on a 486

Something like a early Geforce PCI or the economy Geforce MX's from later eras? You need T&L support from games , but 486 simply can't render such new games fast. You probably could gain +1.0-1.5 fps to 5 fps score in, for example, MDK2 . Which would be quite impressive in percentage gains, but …

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