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Re: Remote DOS shell

Yes, think you can do it simplistically by piping the console, How remote is remote? You want to be outside your home network? The problem mostly is security, all the old stuff has been cracked to hell and back with numerous vulnerabilities and exploits.

Re: U5SX 486-33F Build

So what might be going on, is that the motherboard doesn't have enough refresh line capability to supply a refresh for more than a handful of RAM chips. Now in some BIOSes, there is a cryptically named refresh strength setting in the advanced chipset setup, maybe playing with that might get you …

Re: Playstation CPU/GPU compared to PC

The PlayStation looked good/fast because it ran at low res, only up to 640x480, it had no OS and driver overhead because it was single platform so games could be more on the metal and not need to consider driver standards and differences in hardware. The 33Mhz MIPs CPU may have been faster on a …

Re: Intel AL440LX

I only really hate it for the fact I can't overclock the FSB much past 66mhz. I reach a freeze by 75mhz. That might be the CPU, the early PII 233 and 266 didn't overclock, I mean really didn't, had a board that had the 68Mhz setting, and had a 233 and 266 crash at that speed. Then came a die shrink …

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