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Re: Is it possible to modify a running process?

Thanks a lot for all this info! It's true that their tool is able to identify and terminate the virus (it worked for me perfectly). But I wonder how did they do it? I believe this virus uses the security flaw to attach to some process that is running with a security context from Administrator or …

Re: Re: Re: Is it possible to modify a running process?

Odd. I thought this security issue was only on XP, due to Microsoft not wanting a support nightmare due to all the older programs that presume they will have admin-level access. Kind of figured NT/2000 would still be secure due to them not being aimed at the "general consumer". Actually, the …

Re: Is it possible to modify a running process?

Since all our computers were running Windows 2000, I wondered how in the world can a virus infect all active processes?? Weren't NT-based systems supposed to protect running processes from meddling with each other? How can I remove the virus from memory without killing all running processes?? I …

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