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Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

The thing I got a couple days ago isn't directly related to "hardware", but it does sort of have to do with the subject hardware falls under. Anyway, in my computer programming class, some of the students, myself included, sometimes choose to look over textbooks for the programming language we may …

Re: NEW iPhones

Better be quick though, as the next firmware update after you buy the iPhone will slow the iPhone down dramatically. Well, they've gotten away with it for so long, so why stop in 2029? If Apple didn't already exist it should have been created just to see people talk nonsense about it :lol: Ha! That …

Re: Any others given up on the hobby?

I haven't left the computer hobby, nor technology in general, and I don't think I ever will. I've been interested in most of this tech stuff since I was very young, and there actually have been some interests I've had in the past that have come and gone, but this is my interest that'll never leave …

Re: NEW iPhones

i think everyone gets unwanted telemarketer calls Sure, its just that you get more of them if you get tagged as a better mark for having an expensive phone. Yep, that's the point. But I don't think some people would get unwanted calls like that just because they're phone is from a company that " …

Re: NEW iPhones

Some people claim that they don't really enjoy iPhones, because they say that they're "toys". Nah, I don't think that's true. I'm an iPhone user, and I see no downside that makes me call it a toy. However, one downside is that I keep getting calls from unwanted people, most likely telemarketers : …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

beastlike wrote: JonathonWyble wrote: Today was my first day of computer programming / video game design class Congrats, good luck, and have fun! Yeah, it is pretty fun. For now we're just learning some basics on how to create a basic game in BlitzPlus, but later on it gets a little more …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

Today was my first day of computer programming / video game design class at vocational training, something that all schools (including mine) have, and we learned a bit on how to make a small and basic computer game in a programming language called BlitzPlus. It was a pretty interesting. I still have …

Re: The most RAM I have ever had in a computer

I've never heard of that much memory for any computer. If that were to exist, it probably won't happen until about the beginning of the 22nd century :lol: umm, you can quite easily buy 1TB ram kits ...today that is not unheard of in the server world ^^ I have actually seen 1TB and even 2TB RAM kits …

Re: The most RAM I have ever had in a computer

For VM hosts with high core-count CPUs, 128-256GB is super easy to use up. Pretty sure the hosts I have at work right now have 96GB or RAM a piece. The old ones I have at home I upgraded to I think 48GB each. Max I have had in a personal computer was 64GB. My standard now is 32GB. I've also heard …

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