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Scanning manuals so that text find / searching works

in Milliways
Hi, I wanted to scan a couple of manuals so that text searching will work. What software do people recommend, so that the scan will enable text searching? Or do I need to pass it through a couple of pieces of software? Linux and windows software is fine. I have Canon MX 350, so I think it might be …

Re: Is there a Dr Dobb archive?

in Milliways
I would also like this. Mate, Sorry it was my mistake, I have downloaded that many CD's I messed up coupled with kids on holidays, here in Australia, and it's raining. I just loaded that 1.7Gb ISO in Win 7 and it works as expected, with the articles from 1988 to 2008. Again, sorry for the mix up. …

Re: Anybody still coding for DOS/Win16/Win32?

in Milliways
i remember creating a dos application to split files so they could be carried in various floppies - only to find that it had been done lots of times, and better too! :) Ah, yes but I bet you learnt a lot along the way. I have no asperations of creating some groundbreaking app, Just code and learn …

Is there a Dr Dobb archive?

in Milliways
Hi, I am looking for a Dr Dobbs Archive. There is a CD on Internet Archive, but it is not the Journal Archive. It is some type of Sales/company resource. https://archive.org/details/DrDobbsDVD5 Or even if I can buy the Archive. EDIT: Nope that link is correct. It is my mistake. Honestly, living in a …

Re: Anybody still coding for DOS/Win16/Win32?

in Milliways
Win95-targeting Win32's easy to hang onto with mingw gcc 4.7.2 After a lot of searching and trying to find the solution that will fit with what I want to do, I chose Microsoft C/C++ 7.0. I want to use the tools from that era (1992'ish). I did think about Borland, Symantec, Watcom, and Code Warrior. …

Anybody still coding for DOS/Win16/Win32?

in Milliways
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone was still writing code (games/apps) for DOS/Win16/Win32 (DOS - Win 98)? There is heaps about old hardware, but it seems most people just want an old machine to play old games. Is there a forum for that kind of thing? Cheers, Craig

Looking for Information on "Net start" Under Windows 3.x

in Milliways
Hi, I have been looking around for information on "Net start" and how it works under Windows 3.x I thought it might have been in the following: https://archive.org/details/windowsinternals00piet/page/3/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/windowsntnetwork00davi/page/5/mode/1up?view=theater&q=start …

Hardware Detection Boot CD?

in Milliways
Hi, Whilst trying to determine the hardware on my Dell D800, I realised I don't have a bootable CD that I could drop into a CDROM and go from there. I used to use Hiren's. But I am wondering if there is something that might be better? Just on a side note, HWInfo for DOS Doesn't seem to detect all of …

Re: PC USB to Floppy emulator?

in Milliways
Sorry guys, Honestly, I forget that I am dealing with technical people. I am so used to dumbing things down, that it has become a habbit. Sorry. Ok, so I have a Dell D800. I can just copy most old software off the floppy image to a directory and install from there. But things like Microsoft C 7.0 …

Re: PC USB to Floppy emulator?

in Milliways
I think you can consider using Ventoy . This is a game changer as it made dd-ing the images to the USB unnecessary. You just need to put the images you want to boot on the USB disk and that's it, and you can use all your disk space as usual. Very Interesting, not what I need at the moment. But …

Re: PC USB to Floppy emulator?

in Milliways
Using something like this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001344597523.html (not an endorsement, just an example) along with a Gotek floppy emulator (or similar) should allow you to simulate a 1.44MB floppy USB floppy drive using only hardware, if that is what you want want/need . That looks …

Re: PC USB to Floppy emulator?

in Milliways
Sorry guys, Honestly, I forget that I am dealing with technical people. I am so used to dumbing things down, that it has become a habbit. Sorry. Ok, so I have a Dell D800. I can just copy most old software off the floppy image to a directory and install from there. But things like Microsoft C 7.0 …

PC USB to Floppy emulator?

in Milliways
Hi, I can't seem to find the external Floppy emulator that goes from the USB on the PC to the floppy emulator. There are plenty that have the floppy cable connection, but I can't seem to find one that has the USB connection. I see that Phils Computer lab uses it, but the link to Ali express, on …

Re: Is there a Dual Head PCI video card?

in Milliways
darry wrote on 2022-05-24, 04:35: The G400 was never available in PCI-E, AFAIK. I assume you have an AGP variant . Your correct. It's AGP NOT PCI-e. I should learn not to try and type anything whilst the kids are around. Sorry about that.

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