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Re: Old TCP/IP networking

I just load the nic packet driver, any support files like winpkt and WinSock for MS Windows 3.x for example, then load the appropriate program/software and go.............. Telnet and FTP protocols work fine in Dos. Easy as that....;) Except I'm making my own network driver for Duke Nukem for DOS …

Old TCP/IP networking

Seems people are going for IPV6. But right now I'm trying to make my own TCP/IP network in pure DOS mode but I want to test it across many emulators and many computers to see if things work, but I haven't gotten past computer 1. Sometimes my code works and sometimes it doesn't, but I'll explain in …

Re: Empty blocks in hard drive space

I ended up contacting the guy who made these pages about my same inquiry: https://thestarman.pcministry.com/asm/mbr/index.html He happened to reply faster than just about anyone else. He tells me that all hard drives when formatted with partitions have a big gap between the MBR and the first …

un-blacklisting some video cards for webgl

Yes my computer is not new, and my video card is ATI radeon RV250 Mobility FireGL 9000. I put newer browsers on my computer (firefox 60 and Seamonkey), and they all want to not serve me with WebGL graphics because my card along with several others are in a "blacklist". Why? I don't know. I can run …

Empty blocks in hard drive space

I'm in the middle of creating a bootable FAT16 hard drive image for use with many PC emulators. I then used a binary editor to examine the valid image. I compared it to a FAT16 image with MBR (master boot record) intact. The data is valid, but what I did notice is that right after the partition …

Re: Direct disk read via interrupt

Well mtools also exists, no need to reinvent the wheel if you don't want to :D I've successfully used it for syslinux floppy images but it probably can be used for hd images just as well. ....except the target OS is 64-bit Windows (specifically Windows 10) But I have a 32-bit computer so I can only …

Re: Direct disk read via interrupt

INT 13h functions are supported for disk images, but the extensions you're looking at are not supported. In that case, the interrupt call should have returned the carry flag being set instead of cleared when calling those extensions. But it didnt. What about the basic INT 13 extensions such as Int …

Direct disk read via interrupt

I want to eventually create a setup where users can create a special configuration in windows and then it gets embedded onto an image then when dosbox loads, the image is loaded with the custom configuration. I want to use dosbox as my test bed then I want to move to other emulators to make my idea …

Re: A universally compatible emulated hard drive

Ok, I think I figured it out. Well, at least I got it where the CD boots, the command prompt loads and the disk free space is accurate. So here's how to do it if you want a 32MB bootable hard drive from CD: 1. Get dosemu installed, 2. create the folder named disk in your root drive, 3. change to "/ …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

. No modern-ness for me. I'll tell you all a crazy story. So last year, Mom decided to buy a new Apple iMac computer for $2000 at best buy. Turns out every 2 months, the system kept constantly crashing and even the people at best buy couldn't figure out why the system kept crashing. Eventually she …

Re: Custom networking DOS in 64-bit windows

in DOS
When you say you have it working on DOSBox in Linux, wouldn’t it be the same in DOSBox for Windows then? Unfortunately no. To have it work in linux, one would need the socat and slattach utilities loaded along with setting up a private nat network in iptables. I don't think any of those utilities …

Re: A universally compatible emulated hard drive

Ok, now something is weird with the image file itself. This is what I done from start to finish: In unix terminal.... cd myimagefolder mkfatimage16 -p -k 32768 -f image dosemu Then in dosemu window (since I already connected the floppy drive to a boot disk image I downloaded off the net.... fdisk …

Re: A universally compatible emulated hard drive

I can only mount if I use the correct offset to the partition, but first, I used dd to strip the first 128 bytes off of /disk/image1 to create /disk/image2. bash-4.2# mount /disk/image2 -o loop /mnt NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/loop0': Invalid argument The device '/dev/loop0' …

Re: A universally compatible emulated hard drive

ok, so I did managed to trim the first 128 bytes, and ran fdisk and this time, a partition entry appeared, and now I managed to mount it. But when I tried using it in k3B cd writing tool, it wouldn't accept the image. Somehow I gotta turn this new image that I can mount into a bootable one for CD …

Re: A universally compatible emulated hard drive

Are fat/vfat kernel modules loaded on your system ( lsmod | egrep -i fat) ? That question just makes me think my computer is even more stranger. Once I executed that command, I got nothing in return, however my hard drive has partitions of different filesystems and one is currently mounted as a …

Re: A universally compatible emulated hard drive

Darry, you must have a different kernel. I remove my existing disk image and then recreate it. This is how I make the disk image (my first steps): mkfatimage16 -P -k 32767 -f /disk/image I then edit etc/mtools.conf so these entries exist: drive c: file="/disk/image" partition=1 offset=128 fat_bits= …

Re: A universally compatible emulated hard drive

I came across a post just now from stackoverflow.com that states: Let's say $IMAGE is set to the path to your image file. You could write a small script by using fdisk -u sectors -l $IMAGE to get a list of partitions inside the image. And then use a sequence of mount -o ro,loop,offset=$OFFSET -t …

Re: Custom networking DOS in 64-bit windows

in DOS
I'm trying to create a driver for Duke Nukem game. The post is primarily about my driver. I'm not advocating people to download full-version games that would otherwise cost money. Also, there is a shareware version of Duke Nukem that may also work with my setup found here: ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/ …

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