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Re: Collecting rants

Bubblewrap is the not the best packing material, foam is better. Peanuts are the worst. Unless you owned a 9500 you have no idea how brittle that plastic is these days. I have snapped a power on button just by lightly pressing it. I like bubble wrap better. Half the price, much more cushioning that …

Re: Collecting rants

This still counts as poor packaging, the box is way too small and not enough bubble wrap. I don't get people. A huge roll of bubble wrap is like $15 and using 10-20-30 layers of that prevents nearly every damage. PC in the picture has maybe 2 layers and look at the size of that box, way too small. …

Re: Radeon 9700 Pro - Artifacts on Boot

Ah, the good old AS-IS trick AKA "I know it's junk so I use Ebay's loophole to sell it and refuse returns or refunds because the buyer bought it at his own risk." But they are wrong. You can contact the seller for a return and ask Ebay to get your money back if he refuses. Don't let him scam you, he …

Re: My Tandy 2500 SX/33 386

I see. You may call them "Double-A" batteries.. I call them "mainboard killers". ;) That's exactly what I have in my IBM 6747, 3xAA batteries. :D When I first saw them I thought somebody left them there accidentally. No, turns out it's an essential part of that typewriter. The batteries were fused …

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