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Re: What is your weirdest troubleshooting experience when dealing with retro computers/hardware?

Funniest thing i found in a PC was in a malfunctioning CD-ROM drive that kept opening and closing. It was a small piece of paper that had written on it "Breaks CD-ROM drives. Ha Ha ha". Stupid, but Ingenious. So someone put a piece of paper in the drive to force it to open/close and they thought it …

Re: My Two Floppy Drives became damaged after trying to duplicate disks of "Thexder". Any ideas?

I have heard of weird stories like this but never happened to me or any one I know. More than likely (a few guesses) the original disks media could have had contaminants on them that messed your original drives heads up while they were "cleaned" when you tried to copy the data OR the drives were …

Re: What is your weirdest troubleshooting experience when dealing with retro computers/hardware?

I used to work at a computer repair store around 1999. One day I got a computer that wouldn't respond to the keyboard. I kept pressing ctrl-alt-del and nothing would happen. So I say "this thing keeps locking up" and guy next to me says "this things keeps rebooting" then we looked at each other's …

Re: What is your weirdest troubleshooting experience when dealing with retro computers/hardware?

Nice read ! The oddest troubleshoot for me that I remember was a 10 year old single core P4 soc 478 back in 2014. The machine would quickly reboot at random. Tore it apart to basic parts and it ran fine, but still did all the regular clean, reseat, etc and testing things using a few of my known good …

Re: Modem usage

I have plenty of old modems in storage, both external and external. I just replace them with ethernet cards or use a null modem cable to log into my linux box which is vary easy to do. Do you happen to have an External Supra 28.8? I used to own one of these.. I would very much like to buy one if I …

Re: Collecting rants

One local Salv Army outlet has had quite a few computers over the last year, mostly XP era stuff for sub $20 each but all the Goodwills in my area ship them to a Central location where they go up for bid on shopgoodwill.com (just another Ebay). Oregon and Washington, like Cali, has a recycle rule …

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