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Re: Update SC-55 ROM

I've had issues with my SC-55 mk2 when trying to play Blood. The issue is, almost none of the songs play correctly (almost all instruments are wrong, notes won't play, etc.). I just discovered that my SC-55 mk2 ROM version is 1.00. Funny thing is, the setup music works just fine and other games work …

Re: Blood CD-Audio doesn't loop in DOS

Glad to hear that it solves the problem. Kind of funny that the cause of the problem in DOSBox pointed to the possible cause in your case, but I guess the obscure parameter bit that Blood relies on is the sort of thing someone programming a device driver might neglect. Without loading this TSR, …

Re: Blood CD-Audio doesn't loop in DOS

For interrupt stuff in C, calling assembly library functions or even using inline assembly is fairly common. My implementation for the idea is attached -- don't look at the included assembly source if you want to puzzle it out for yourself. ;) I hope the binary can at least show if the "audio is …

Re: Blood CD-Audio doesn't loop in DOS

After calling that function, the request header will contain the device status word, of which bit 9 indicates busy: http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/rbinter/it/96/25.html I currently do not know how to access the the ES:BX request header (by the way, I am doing this with Watcom c, not assembly). …

Re: Blood CD-Audio doesn't loop in DOS

Not sure if Blood is unique among Build-engine games in relying on the device status bit for "audio is playing". If the status bit is indeed the problem in your case, I suppose a relatively simple TSR program could simulate it using the device busy status as the source for play status. Would this …

Re: Blood CD-Audio doesn't loop in DOS

Regarding the issue in DOSBox with re-starting audio tracks in Blood, that is fixed in SVN. The problem was not emulating a device status bit that indicates whether or not audio is playing. That status bit ultimately comes from the device driver, not MSCDEX. So, maybe you can try a different device …

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