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Re: Vortex86/XGI SVGA issues (solved)

Glad you got it sorted out. Thank you for the info. Makes me wonder, if there is a AMI BIOS version, which allows switching video modes (CRT\LCD 640x480; 800x600 etc). Otherwise, there will always be trouble upscaling things correctly. Advantech BIOS, for example, does have this, but lacks many …

Re: Vortex86/XGI SVGA issues

I've never tried running Win98 on Vortex86DX, only pure DOS. But I'll give a try on ebox-3300 mobo. Can you specify the pc\motherboard model? Some motherboards have bios settings, which lock the resolution output to a specific value. The other thing that comes to my mind is using drivers from vmware …

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