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Re: Is this a genuine Xperia X battery?

in Milliways
The only notable difference is that this battery has R-XXXXXXXXX and ZUxxxxxxx-xxxxx while the one originally from the phone has valid numbers. As far as I can see aftermarket replacements have this XXXXXX while genuine parts have numbers.

Is this a genuine Xperia X battery?

in Milliways
Hi, guys, little offtopic here. I got a new battery for my Xperia X F5121 because the old one was 4 years old and didn't last the night. I ordered an original Sony. I already bought from that store and there was no problem before. This is what they sent me. Logo is there but the battery looks like a …

Re: english, the planetary language

in Milliways
When we finally had the choice to learn english instead of russian we immediately took it. It's just too convenient and people don't care if you use incorrect grammar or whatever because we still understand each other and that's what counts. It's a bridge between nations. I see grammar nazis pop up …

Re: Collecting rants

Now you're moving goalposts. First you claimed otherwise. Also, I never said that everything that came out of China was fake. You effectively did and also never responded to any of his questions like why should you condemn an entire market based on a few bad eggs or how do you know your local …

Re: Kids destroying computer hardware

in Milliways
Kids are like cats.They are kind, curious and playful one day and attack and destroy everything you love the next.It's called terrible twos (threes) for a reason. It has nothing to do with intelligence,kids simply test their boundaries and that often involves smashing daddys retro stuff when he …

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