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Re: What do you drive?

in Milliways
Beautiful thread! I didn't even know many cars I am currently driving a 2013 Alfa Romeo Giulietta 2.0 JTDm 150hp 6-speed manual gearbox https://i.ibb.co/YySnF6r/20160709-164324091-i-OS.jpg https://i.ibb.co/TBGZybk/20160709-164311817-i-OS.jpg https://i.ibb.co/sR87DQy/20160709-164437239-i-OS.jpg …

Re: PCem v17

I've restored the site - removing it was a knee-jerk reaction and not the most productive thing to do. Forums will remain closed as I no longer believe I have the energy or ability to moderate them. I still don't intend to continue the project, but am open to handing it over if anyone wants to take …

Re: ATI Rage XL 8MB vs S3 Virge 4MB

If you only consider DOS and Windows 3.11 then Cirrus Logic you have is all you need. It is one of the faster and most compatible DOS graphics cards (it's better than ATI ones according to this table https://gona.mactar.hu/DOS_TESTS/ . Moreover, almost all DOS games uses GFX card as simple …

Re: ATI Rage XL 8MB vs S3 Virge 4MB

It is worth buying a ATI RAGE II + DVD or ATI 3D RAGE PRO PCI? If I had to choose between those two - definitely ATI Rage Pro ! According to this site https://gona.mactar.hu/ATI3DCIF/ it is 3x faster than ATI Rage II+DVD (in Tomb Raider). On this page there are the drivers to use! Initially I'm …

Re: ATI Rage XL 8MB vs S3 Virge 4MB

Science awaits, then! I've just completed my tests this evening. I can't offer any wisdom on your driver choices; I'll just run through my adventure with the card this week. My system is an Aptiva 2196, which is a low profile SS7 system with K6-2/533 and SiS540 chipset (packing SiS300 onboard …

Re: ATI Rage XL 8MB vs S3 Virge 4MB

If the Rage XLs you're looking at are those new generic ones, be warned they're very picky about the systems they work in, and when they do work the driver install is tricky. Not a recommended buy unless you're happy to throw a few bucks at an experiment. If you're looking at the originals, …

ATI Rage XL 8MB vs S3 Virge 4MB

Hi, I'm fixing an old IBM 300GL 6282 PC The PC has a pentium MMX 233 and an integrated Cirrus 5446 2MB card. I wanted to try some of the most famous old DOS games, and some Windows 3.11 / Windows 95 games that I played when I was younger. The best would be to combine the Cirrus 5446 with a 3D card …

Re: MUNT 98 Testing

Update: I also tried with Space Quest 3 but it tells me it can't find the audio device However, if I open a .mid file via media player MUNT is activated, I hear the audio and see the information on the virtual display. If I open a DOS game on the console instead I see this: Win32MidiDriver: Invalid …

IBM T42 + Windows 98 sound blaster emulation

Hello, I have the laptop in question, the operating system is Windows 98 + the official drivers. Windows 98 system is supported by IBM The audio drivers are these and the card is a soundmax https://thinkpads.com/support/Thinkpad-Drivers/download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles/aftp1g98.txt If …

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