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Some retro-posters for the computer room!

in Milliways
I just bought them in the official Olivetti store, they look great among the old computers. Especially the one with the technician and tools 😍 Now I just need to avoid puncturing any pipes while I plug them into the wall What about you, what do you have in your room? Filename IMG_7020.jpeg File …

Re: Stunts\4D sports driving no sound effects when audio is MT-32

in DOS
At least for the sound effects, Stunts does define custom sounds on the MT32 during start-up usinig SysEx messages, so any solutiion trying to map MT32 patch numbers to GM/GS patch number and then playing back those GM/GS patches will not work with Stunts. If I remember correctly, music plays fine …

Re: Stunts\4D sports driving no sound effects when audio is MT-32

in DOS
Stunts doesn't use digitized sound at all. Only Adlib for both music and FX. When running on MT-32, you should indeed hear everything sounding via the MT-32, including engine and skid and crash sounds. The only thing I don't remember is whether Stunts programs the MT-32 at start up, or just use the …

Stunts\4D sports driving no sound effects when audio is MT-32

in DOS
I setup the game for mt-32 sound output. I use a Roland SC-88 configured in MT-32 emulation, the sound works fine! But I have no effects, no engine sound, no crash sound.... If I configure the game for Sound Blaster all audio is ok (music and effects) Any ideas? My config: -DOS 6.22 -AWE64 -Roland …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

SBEMU + Windows 98SE + Boot menu Example of how to setup a boot menu for Windows 9x so that the SBEMU driver ++ is only loaded when booting DOS. Windows will fail to load if jemmex is loaded for instance. Tested on Windows 98SE, but I believe it will also work on 95 and 98. The following code …

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