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Re: VIA C3 1200A (nemiah) vs Celeron Tualatin 1000 vs Pentium III-S 1400 512K - short review, features and performance d

I just can't find the auction or the seller (or any of his auctions) on German ebay. No idea if something's wrong with their search or if that is intentional :( Edit: I just found it - with Ecosia (yes, I avoid Google). What a shame one has to use a search engine for this... Unfortunately the …

Re: VIA C3 1200A (nemiah) vs Celeron Tualatin 1000 vs Pentium III-S 1400 512K - short review, features and performance d

Seems he doesn't sell in Europe. It doesn't show up when I search on German ebay (It's out of stock anyway, but even in the past auctions it's not there). The Nehamiah is available here but with 35 Euro it's too expensive for my liking (for a chip that I'm unsure if I'll really use)

Re: VIA C3 1200A (nemiah) vs Celeron Tualatin 1000 vs Pentium III-S 1400 512K - short review, features and performance d

You're right that the clock speed doesn't say anything when comparing different CPUs, but both Tualatins are basically the same core with the Pentium running at 33% higher FSB which usually results in 33% faster CPU speed. A slight difference here is the 0.5 higher muliplier and the larger cache on …

Re: VIA C3 1200A (nemiah) vs Celeron Tualatin 1000 vs Pentium III-S 1400 512K - short review, features and performance d

I agree. I did mention the GPU bottleneck and the fact that I want to redo all benchmarks with a Geforce 4 Ti4200. The P3S is clearly bottlenecked by the 5200, but the tualeron not so much. The term 'bottleneck' is misleading because every influence of a graphics card distorts the result in such a …

Re: VIA C3 1200A (nemiah) vs Celeron Tualatin 1000 vs Pentium III-S 1400 512K - short review, features and performance d

Such comparisons are always interesting. And time consuming to create, I suppose :) There's about a 23% performance difference between the C3 1200A and the Tualatin Celeron 1000. Not great, not terrible. I suppose the C3 1200A performs close to an 833MHz Pentium 3 Coppermine. If you mean the actual …

Re: Problem with use of modern ATAPI device in 1990s Toshiba 470cdt / 490xcdt / 530cdt and similar retro laptops

I have the BIOS updates from the official Dynabook support (I have downloaded them when they were available). Yes, seems like Dynabook removed all downloads for the old Toshiba notebooks some months ago. That's really a shame :( I couldn't even find an email address to contact them. I really hate …

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