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Re: Bizarre DOS Menu problem in 0.70

Well then remove it, try again and see that it doesn't have any effect. Easier said than done. I'm not a C/C++ programmer :) If you know what's causing the problems, why are you asking here? I don't really know what the problem is. I'm merely suggesting that the evidence points to some sort of …

Re: Bizarre DOS Menu problem in 0.70

Hmm, that's very odd. Can you give me an idea of what configuration settings you are using on startup for the program? Remember that it only seems to happen if you run it from the configuration file. After a little more testing, I still have the same problem. I have concluded the following: * …

Re: Bizarre DOS Menu problem in 0.70

Hi everybody Hmmm.. let's see. Is this freeware or shareware or something? Interesting question. In all honestly I'm not sure now. A quick review on the Internet shows that version 5.0 is now available and is sold commercially. Version 4.7 is shareware and was the last shareware release in fact. Are …

Bizarre DOS Menu problem in 0.70

Hi everybody Since Dosbox version 0.65, I've been using a DOS menuing system called Automenu, which is written by Marshall W Magee. I choose this option instead of running a frontend because it's simpler and more reliable in the long term (I thought so anyway). It simply means that wherever Dosbox …

Re: Maximum cycles=max level

I can speak for myself, Pan. Sorry.. :) Well that's not what is done. It's not like there's some speed testing, then some cycle value is calculated, which is then used. The cycles=max setting determines the cycles value depending on previous time slices, so it might vary a lot. Yes, but that hardly …

Re: Maximum cycles=max level

And what's the unfair part?? Clearly you were annoyed at what you perceived to be criticism aimed at Dosbox. I don't believe that's what Kaminari and TeaRex intended at all. Just an explanation of what they had seen themselves. I felt there was no need for undue hostility, that's all :) Everybody …

Re: Maximum cycles=max level

The problem with cycles=auto is that the logic it uses (or used a while ago, I didn't recheck the newest CVS code) was simply: "If CPU is in real mode, do cycles=3000; if in protected mode, do cycles=max." While surprisingly effective for most titles, for some games that's simply too crude. Yes, …

Re: Maximum cycles=max level

cycles=max is definitely different from cycles=xyz simply because it varies the cycle count on demand. Yes. I'm not a Dosbox newbie you know ;) And the max setting is not really wasteful because most newer games will just run smoother Quite likely, yes. Not at all relevant to this discussion …

Re: Maximum cycles=max level

But if you want to specify a hard upper limit for cycles=max, why not using fixed cycles?? As I said at the start, it seems pointless initially :) But consider this... you have a game that you want to create a pre-configuration for. It works between 3000 and 10000 cycles with varying degrees of …

Re: Maximum cycles=max level

In the next version you can use the cycles-up/cycles-down keys to reduce processor load when cycles=max. This would be a help. But it does mean that the user would have to adjust it manually themselves; on every execution of the program. The idea I suggested would allow a limit to be set via …

Maximum cycles=max level

Hi Has anybody thought about implementing a new feature to limit the cycles=max option to a specific value. For example, having a limit of 10,000 means the system will never consume more than 10,000 cycles, but will scale lower for slower systems. At present, the scaling for older systems is fine, …

Formula One Grand Prix/World Circuit Editor

in Milliways
Hi to all To the surprise of most of you I suspect, an editor is currently under development for the 1993 racing game Formula One Grand Prix/World Circuit by Geoff Crammond. The first version has already been released to the public and a second release is scheduled for late February/early March. The …

Re: Direct serial port working

in DOSBox Patches
That's good to hear Qbix. Saves having to create new CVS copies all the time 😀 Is Hal part of the Dosbox development team on Sourceforge? Just wondering how further development of this code will now progress, unless version 8 was the final edition of course 😀

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