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Re: Why does Warcraft 3 list the Nvidia TNT, Ati Rage 128, Voodoo3, Intel i810 as minimum spec cards but requires D3D8?

Xenphor wrote on 2023-09-02, 06:42: Okay. It would be interesting to know what features of d3d8 were used for WC3 and what would be cut if a d3d7 or older card was used instead. I did my first playthrough on a Voodoo 5. I did many playthroughs afterward on a Ti4200. I never noticed any difference.

Re: Warcraft floppy edition : questions

I always hated the "type the word" copy protection. Even armed with the manual, I would still miss most of the time. Does a blank line count as a line? Does a title line? Who knows. Just keep typing word from that page until you hit... So glad we moved past that (albeit, it was fun to poison the …

Re: Windows Update Restored

I like that someone bothered with this, but I don't see a ton of value in this. I don't typically patch my win9x machine as it doesn't touch any networks. But if I wanted it to be patched, I have a CD from 2004 from Microsoft that should do the trick. Maybe if people were still doing win9x LAN …

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