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Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
I think the SBPCI environment variable is supposed to indicate the folder where the SBPCI driver files are stored, so if you have them in C:\DOSDRV, then the line in autoexec.bat should probably say SET SBPCI=C:\DOSDRV instead. I can't see anything else that looks incorrect.

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
You could try putting the commands into a new batch file, maybe C:\SBPCI.BAT, and then running that after booting into DOS. I'm not exactly sure why it's complaining about the SBPCI environment variable not being set though, especially if it's in there twice!

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
I'm not sure exactly what's altering your autoexec.bat file (probably something to do with the Windows 98 drivers), but if you add the SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4 , SET SBPCI=C:\SBPCI and SBINIT.COM lines back into autoexec.bat, then save the file, you can make it read-only by typing the following …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
If your Soundblaster PCI is working correctly in Windows, then it'll hopefully have created a folder C:\SBPCI, which contains all the DOS drivers you need. If not, you can find them in the Vogons drivers library. In there, you should find: SBLEGACY.EXE - run this, and it'll tell you whether the …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
Whilst the Windows 98 boot floppy is pretty effective at configuring optical drives, its only real purpose is to do just that in order to allow the main CD-ROM based installer to run. The boot floppy doesn't attempt to load memory management or mouse drivers. You've proven that your CD drive does …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
MSCDEX doesn't need you to tell it what drive letter your CD-ROM is going to use, it'll just take the next available letter that's not being used by your hard drives. Use MSCDEX /D:OPTICAL to specify the device name. The /E parameter has a different purpose- it tells MSCDEX to use expanded memory. …

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
MSCDEX doesn't need you to tell it what drive letter your CD-ROM is going to use, it'll just take the next available letter that's not being used by your hard drives. Use MSCDEX /D:OPTICAL to specify the device name. The /E parameter has a different purpose- it tells MSCDEX to use expanded memory.

Re: Can’t run Simon the Sorcerer

in DOS
Try disabling EMS memory in your config.sys file: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a try next. What does that do exactly? EMS and XMS (Expanded / eXtended Memory Specification) are ways of giving software access to system memory above DOS's 640kb …

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