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Re: PSU Fortron/FSP ATX-350PNF with problematic +5 & +12V voltages [Factory layed problem confirmed, WORKAROUNDS FOUND]

Finally I got those chinese TS (Taiwan Semiconductor??) SF1608G double diodes (I ordered 3 pcs just in case... and of course the chinese ali-baba-gipsy-seller sent only 2 pcs instead of 3). At least they look brand new. I measured their Vf with my trusty multimeter in diode mode and it is only 0.435 …

Re: Voodoo graphics mod 4 to 8mb

Yep, in the BuB's YT-videos the Voodoo1 card with 4 MB VRAM for the frame buffer also literally choked with Unreal at 800 x 600 resolution. I don't recall if the triple buffering is supported by Voodoo1 drivers. I think, in the BuB's video with the tests for 4 MB VRAM on the TMU the Unreal demo at …

Re: Voodoo graphics mod 4 to 8mb

Postman5, are there any real benefits from doubling the TMU's memory? According to some of BitsUndBolts YT-videos with Voodoo1 memory upgrade experiments, the only useful memory doubling upgrade is for FBI, so the card would support 800 x 600 resolution in some games.

Re: Need help for PSU Fortron/FSP ATX-350PNF with problematic +5 and +12 V output voltages

The plot thickens, as they say. I got an FSP ATX-300PNF (or was it a PNR, I forgot) for $0.50 from the local flea market last weekend. Haven't had time to "play" with it yet, or even open it for cleaning. But maybe this or next week I'll get to it. Then will test it with my resistive load bank to …

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