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Re: Which is the best and cheaper way to use a SSD or a SDCard as a hard disk on a pentium 3 motherboard?

Chinese IDEtoSD converter. ChIDE_SD.jpg I have a few and they've been pretty foolproof. I use one in my Socket 7 mITX system. It even puts up with the extension cable I have hooked up to it. IMG_6173.jpeg Hi Where can that thing be attached? I see 4 holes for 4 screws, but don't know where is …

Re: Which is the best and cheaper way to use a SSD or a SDCard as a hard disk on a pentium 3 motherboard?

Chinese IDEtoSD converter. ChIDE_SD.jpg These are likely based on the Fc1307 chip. They are limited to ATA33 and don't even saturate that. https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?p=1044495#p1044495 Additionally, these are buggy in some circumstances, depending on what is used to partition them. …

Re: Which is the best and cheaper way to use a SSD or a SDCard as a hard disk on a pentium 3 motherboard?

Chinese IDEtoSD converter. ChIDE_SD.jpg That actually looks pretty decent, like they actually took some care in fabbing it, Ive had some horror parts come out of China buying only based on the picture and price. How much did this little part cost ? I have a few and they've been pretty foolproof. I …

Re: Which is the best and cheaper way to use a SSD or a SDCard as a hard disk on a pentium 3 motherboard?

[url]https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002901427786.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.43.5a1c7b83zyt3XN&algo_pvid=49f3ceef-09db-4215-83af-3260c8985e94&algo_exp_id=49f3ceef-09db-4215-83af-3260c8985e94-21&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21HUF%213737.55%213064.19%21%21%219.88%218.10%21%402101ef6817120337996828707e5e90 …

Re: Y2K build

Good configuration! :-) This era is beautiful. I also built on K7M for SlotA. A forgotten piece, it traveled through time on a wholesaler's shelf and came to me newly. k7m.jpg Asus K7M motherboard Athlon 800MHz Pluto CPU 1x256MB+2x128MB SDRAM 133MHz CL3@100MHz CL2 Radeon 9800 video card SB Live …

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