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Re: capacitor plague finally struck home

in Milliways
Your Amiga also predates the capacitor plague era. Anything made before 1999 or so is far less likely to have catastrophically bad capacitors. However there are still some examples of known bad capacitors before then. The surface mount capacitors used on PS/2 floppy and hard drives is one example. …

Re: End of an era - Anandtech is shutting down

in Milliways
I suppose the saying “Don’t be sad that it is over, but be happy that it happened” applies here. Video format tech news has certainly taken over. I can’t help but just miss reading an article in 5 minutes and being able to form my own opinion about a topic. Versus a 20 minute video that tries to …

Re: Reasons to hate modern games

in Milliways
On one hand, nostalgia is often accompanied with selective memory. Many are forgetting that buggy and awful games always outnumbered the good games. I think that depends. For example, games from the SNES and PlayStation 1 era couldn't rely on post-release updates to fix their bugs, so quality …

Re: Reasons to hate modern games

in Milliways
On one hand, nostalgia is often accompanied with selective memory. Many are forgetting that buggy and awful games always outnumbered the good games. There are a lot of good new games out there, they just aren't necessarily coming from the so called AAA or AAAA studios. What many don't like about …

Re: 486SocketBlaster

Don't waste your time. The switching power module they are designed around are crap and can't maintain voltage under load. Would running two modules in parallel potentially alleviate that (distributing the load) ? No, those regulator modules just have extremely poor performance. Connecting two …

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