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Re: Graphics performance boost

Also, is there anyway to write dosbox to utilize ram? I mean more than the standard. I know CPU cycles are important and ram is very unimportant in comparison but i have 1 gb of ram and i wonder if it would be possible to optimize dosbox to use this? This isn't a request, it's just a question. 😀

Re: Graphics performance boost

Very nice. So in theory, you could take a game in 320x200 like JR and scale it to look like it's in an ultra high rez if you did hq24x? Ooo...here is a thought...do the current scalers support SLI? That might help with really high HQ settings?

Re: Graphics performance boost

Ok. somebody put that patch into a CVS build. i can barely even run hq2x. I'm running a 1.2 Ghz IBM thin 'n light so it's not the fastest. But i will say however that it did look great Also, what do those numbers mean and why are the "old" numbers higher than the "new" numbers?

Re: Graphics performance boost

wait a sec. i just thought of something. I think i figured out why it doesn't look good. Could it be because when the Devs originally created these games, they didn't draw the models to be rendered by such a strong filter so they didn't add an extrordinary amount of detail to the model. Thoughts? …

Re: Graphics performance boost

I wonder if per chance you could fix some problems in ST JR and St 25th. Whenever a scaler other than normal2x is on, the graphics become exceptionally cartoony. I'm not sure if anyone aside from me has had this problem but maybe someone knows what might cause a problem like this and how to fix it …

Bug in ykhwong's build perhaps?

the Smart Screen update feature doesn't seem to work well for ST JR and ST 25th. The screen will not display any text windows when it is set to true. for instance, in order to exit from the game, i have to guess how many key presses i have to make because i cant see the Kirk bridge menu. Perhaps i …

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