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Re: User friendly DosBox.conf

I like what you did but i would like to expand on it if you don't mind. First, i would suggest listing the scaler modes quality wise. Second, perhaps use dosbox wiki to explain each of the scaler modes. You know, for the newbie. I'll take a stab at it. What do you think?

Re: Luck with Dos32a Beta??

I wonder where my Dark Forces CD is. I am quite impressed with how well ST: AFU runs. Before Dos32a, it took forever for anything to work correctly. Now, it runs like a dream. Does anyone know whether it is necessary to use this for ST: Judgement Rites or 25th anniversary? Also, here is a picture …

Odd Issue with ST AFU

Hi, The Final Unity works extremely well but i noticed one strange thing that just bugs me a little. When AFU boots up, it displays the startup screen that shows DosBox mounting the CD drive and recognizing the location of EMS memory. However, at this screen, it says "ems memory found as xxxxxx" but …

Regenerating the Conf File

Hey, I read a post in the dev forum about regenerating the Conf file when you put in a new build just in case new features have been added. Sounds like a good idea to me but i have no idea as to how to do it. Can someone help me out? Second, I am using Star Trek JR and 25th anniv. and they obviously …

Re: Star Trek JR Problem

If the CPU Cycles are higher than necessary, can the peformance take a hit? I am thinking that might be the case. I am running an IBM X40. It's a 1.2Ghz. It's new but it's a thin and light so it's kinda slow. I am running 1gb of ram. I'll try alcohol and see what happens... Thanks

Star Trek JR Problem

I've already looked on the website and I couldnt find an answer to this problem. I am playing Judgement Rites and i decided to rip the CD to my hard drive in the form of an ISO because it was taking too long to access the cd. Whenever i play from the hard drive, the sound plays at a normal speed but …

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