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No Deletion Confirmation

I noticed just now that in DOSBox 0.61, there is no confirmation prompt for "DEL *.*", as there is in other flavors of DOS. Will this be changed? (I noticed "COPY ..\*.*" doesn't work either.)

Re: SoundBlaster autodetect in Lemmings 3D

in DOS
Interesting. Thank you. I gather there are no messages of interest when you start the game? Apparently, you can adjust the size of the sound buffer with the "sn" switch (ex. "L3D s32), where n is a number from 0 to 64. Perhaps that is worth a try.

Re: SoundBlaster autodetect in Lemmings 3D

in DOS
6-level winter demo? I haven't heard of that one. Could you tell me where you found it? I had this happily running on an old DOS box a number of years ago. In fact, I still have the manual handy. Have you tried running the Setup program? Also, do you have EMS enabled?

GUSemu difficulties

in PC Emulation
Mainly out of curiosity, I downloaded GUSemu the other day. The problem is, I can't seem to get it to work. Here's the sequence of events: -I start GUSemu using Start->Run. -I open a new DOS window. -I change to the directory where I unzipped the sample GUS apps provided at the GUSemu website. -I …

Re: DOS Games

in DOS
Well, his site has been around for so long that it would probably just confuse everyone if he moved. Besides, he has various AOL tips too. 😉

Re: Im a NewB here. Just a couple questions.

in DOS
I have the rerelased version (that is, the jewel case version published by "Smart Saver") of Rayman, and it's really just the same old DOS version with a mostly useless Windows frontend. Those 386 files are not Windows drivers; examination with Quickview reveals that they are "HMI Detect Drivers for …

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