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Re: Transfer Stack Overflow

Ironically I have no idea why SC2000 would work on Boxer but not DOSBox 0.72 either. Boxer does not special-case this game; it may just be down to the game being installed to a subfolder, or some other vagary of installation. Still, glad it works! :) As a note for people recommending fixes for OS X …

Re: Boxer 0.8: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Boxer 0.8 has been released , and I have updated the first post in the thread with details of the new version. (For those following the thread: Boxer 0.8 is still incompatible with G3 PowerPC macs, and with OS X 10.3 and below. DOSBox 0.72 does not support CD audio on Macs, and hence neither does …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

I've tracked down the problem in SDL's code now... it turns out to be an endianness bug when parsing AIFF audio chunks. SDL's implementation was copied from some old Apple sample code, which may have worked on PowerPCs (which are big-endian IIRC), but not on Intels. I'll file a bug with SDL about it …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Finally managed to build DOSBox 0.72, and did some testing with the CDROM functions to figure out why CD audio is not playing on OS X. One initial bug: CDROM_Interface_SDL::PlayAudioSector and CDROM_Interface_SDL::StopAudio both call SDL_CDClose followed immediately by SDL_CDOpen. This is causing …

Re: Dapplegrey issues

Dalboz, my apologies! The very cryptic error message you got from Boxer was because it is not compatible with OS X 10.3 or earlier, only 10.4 and above. I will make sure that future versions of Boxer give a more helpful explanation when you attempt to run them on earlier versions of OS X.

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Ok, I was completely wrong and not paying any attention... DOSBox *is* enumerating the CD tracks properly so the problem does seem to be related to audio playback after all. Once I'm able to get DOSBox to compile I'll see if I can find any errors occuring at that stage.

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Argh... actually, I missed out a vital call that DOSBox is perhaps also missing: SDL_CDStatus() must be called on an SDL_CD struct in order to populate the track listing. This must be done before attempts to inspect the SDL_CD's properties or play audio from the CD, otherwise the SDL_CD will report …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

I don't have enough SDL experience to answer that question fully, but I did some tests based on the sample code from the SDL_CD-ROM wiki page . Audio CDs and mixed-mode (ISO9660 data+audio) CDROMs produced the following output: Name: disk1 Status: 0 (corresponds to CD_TRAYEMPTY) Tracks: 0 A call to …

Re: Some issues with the DOSBox MacOS port

Ocarina, have you looked at Boxer ? Among other things it automatically installs the appropriate configuration files and changes the keymappings to more mac-like ones (i.e. not based on function-keys). While I realise that Boxer is not DOSBox, and the issues continue to exist with the main DOSBox …

Re: Boxer 0.71: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

It sounds like your disc image is working now if the game is running... but if there's still no audio then it could be that the program you used to create the disc image did not preserve the audio tracks from the CD. You can check this by looking at the contents of the CUE file in TextEdit - it …

Re: a few quick questions

Ok, this all depends on what folder you chose to be your C drive in Boxer. If /Applications/BOXDOS/ is the folder you chose (i.e. that Boxer starts up in when you launch it), then that's C:\ in DOS. So if Duke3D is in /Applications/BOXDOS/Duke3D/ on your Mac filesystem, then the DOS path to it is …

Re: Boxer 0.71: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Ah, that may be the problem... Boxer supports "game packages", which are a way of making a DOS game folder act like a Mac application - they become a single file instead of a folder, and you just click on the package and the game inside it launches. These are explained in more detail in the readme, …

Re: Boxer 0.71: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Ok, if you can't get to D then the image definitely isn't being loaded. If the image files are located in the main folder of the game package (the same folder as the DOSBox Target and DOSBox Preferences files) then there may be a problem with the image itself which is causing this. Could you please …

Re: Boxer 0.71: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Hmm, if Boxer is actually finding the BIN+CUE image and mounting it then you should not need MSCDEX (it is loaded automatically for CD-ROM support), so probably Boxer is not finding the image. Did you copy your BIN and CUE files into the main folder of the game's package?

Re: Boxer 0.71: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

There's a note in the troubleshooting part of the Boxer release notes about the CD audio issue... unfortunately the answer is that at the moment, DOS games aren't able to play their CD audio tracks in Boxer. However, this lack of CD audio support is a limitation I have been meaning to follow up on …

Re: Boxer 0.7: A DOSBox launcher for OS X

Ok great, thanks for trying that Kinseek. I'll make a note about that in the Boxer support notes, and hopefully I will be able to find/make a build of 0.72 that will work (I don't want to fall back to 0.70). Could you tell me what games are running slow? Something like Commander Keen shouldn't tax a …

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