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Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

1990's point-and-click/adventure games are always a dilemma for me. Your Lucasfilm/arts, your Sierra Quests, etc. In one sense I love them. I spent many many formative hours walking through them as a teen in the 90s. Had a lot of great laughs. Loved the graphics and music. In short, was highly …

High precision timing->

I already asked this question at https://www.vbforums.com/editpost.php?p=5531200&do=editpost but I get the feeling I may have more success here. (Given this relates to MS-DOS programming and older hardware.) Whenever I needed a delay in my QBasic/QB45 program I would use a simple delay based on the …

Re: Writing a TSR for memory dumping.

Image1.png I see your 475 byte tsr scaffold (myTSR) is using over 4 kb - is it supposed to be using that much? Also, I haven't (yet?) added any memory management to my mmdmptsr.com program, but according to MS-DOS it's not taking up all memory as you can see in the screenshot. And yes, this is …

Re: How do I know if a game is MSDOS?

Uh, I believe *.com files are almost always nothing but DOS executables. As for *.exe files, try and see if they will run in DOSBox. Just to better understand your problem, what operating system are you using and what issue are you are running into that brought up this question?

Re: Most beautiful Dos-Games for a 486...what are your favorites?

in DOS
Yeah, I think Cybersphere qualifies, looks and sounds nice for a DOS game. :-) I see noone mention the original two DOOM episodes. Because they run like ass on 486 PCs except DX4s. I played Doom 1 on an DX33 and loved it, but let's be honest, it plays like ass. Nah, it runs well on a VLB DX2-66. I …

Re: Does DOSBox support TSRs?

Okay, I see your code is a lot more advanced than I had expected. Here's a list of interrupts you appear to be using which I never used: int 21,48 - allocate memory int 21,49 - free allocated memory int 21,4a - modify allocated memory block (setlblock) int 21,9 - I see your tsr communicates with the …

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