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Re: Adlib music capturing, playing back

Don't forget that sometimes (depending on the song) the OPL capture doesn't begin early enough and misses some notes from the start of the song. I posted a patch a while ago that fixes this problem, but I don't think it ever got incorporated into the code. You'll probably want to use this patch if …

Re: Patch to improve OPL captures

Yes, I'm not entirely sure why it's there - I *think* the logic is wrong (the "!" isn't meant to be there) in which case enabling the percussive instruments would trigger the recording, but this would mean that in most cases it would start too early. (Not to mention a whole bunch of other unrelated …

Patch to improve OPL captures

Hi everyone, I recently discovered that when capturing OPL music with DOSBox, it doesn't always start the capture with the first note played (although it's supposed to.) I found out that this is because it only monitors one of the "noteon" ports on the OPL chip, whereas there are actually six of …

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