ntvdm & it & midi

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First post, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

You were SUPPOSED to be implementing those CLI interrupt handlers, the MT-32 emulation, CD audio command routing to Windows...

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 1 of 9, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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Rank l33t

Yeah! Now get to it or we'll cut your pay by another 10%! 😉

Reply 2 of 9, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie
Snover wrote:

You were SUPPOSED to be implementing ...

Crap, how long is the list now?! Are any more items on the way? 😉

Nicht Sehr Gut wrote:

Yeah! Now get to it or we'll cut your pay by another 10%! 😉

Yessir, your wish is my command, sir! Anything, but please don't cut my pay by 10%!!! I'll do everything for that 10%! 😁


Reply 3 of 9, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

Damn right! Now get back to work, slave!

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 4 of 9, by george

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Thanks very much for your replies. Sorry for not mentioning the older game thing, here it is, in case you're still interested.

I tried to play "Gobliins" (that's version 2, 1 is 'iii', 2 is 'ii'), it's an older but very beautiful, simple quest-like game w/ 2 characters.

The rig i'm running:

athlon xp 1700, 256 ram, win 2k, msi geforce2mx
audiophile 2496 (multiclient out, directx plays fine too)

the game outputs both fm and digital out. w/ digital out there's no problem. but when doing any movements, FM sounds slow down (tempo only, some timing problem?), there's a scene in the very first screen in which the two characters appear from the nothing and fall on the ground. the music slows down by a great amount.

there's a scanned page of the game's hintbook at http://www.emuitalia.com/stgraveyard/game_rev … liins2_STF1.htm . the [1] screen is the above described scene. you should be able to easily find that game on the net (abandonware stuff) and try test it if you still want.

big cheers

Reply 5 of 9, by Zorbid

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Rank Member

Did you try to launch it with speedset+vdms? (check the ressosurce page of this site to find it).

Reply 6 of 9, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie

Wrong thread, but anyways...

The sound effects actually do *NOT* work in Gobliins 2 -- it uses direct-DAC with high-frequency timing that Windows is unable to provide. Yes, SPEEDSET will help, but it may make the remainder of the game too fast as well. The slowdown will occur whenever the game tries to play sound effects, which happened to coincide with animation for you. 😀


Reply 7 of 9, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

Vlad, any chance of having support for direct-DAC with high-freq. timing in later versions of VDMS?

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 8 of 9, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie
Snover wrote:

Vlad, any chance of having support for direct-DAC with high-freq. timing in later versions of VDMS?

Well, there's already support for the Disney SoundSource in "Update 1" (which, coupled with SPEEDSET, makes most games work OK including Gobliiins 1 and Gobliins 2). As for messing with the SB code to add direct-DAC, well, my priorities list is veeeeerrrry long. 😀 First get the stupid LAN wiring done (whoever built my house... I'd really like to strangle him/her) Then it's SPEEDSET. And so on.


Reply 9 of 9, by Stiletto

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Rank l33t++

Are you like me and actually have a To-Do list for projects such as this? It would be neat to see what else you were considering down the road. Please see my "features" thread in the Development forum and add to it, if you want. 😉

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen
