Carmageddon trouble

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First post, by VileR

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Rank l33t

Alright - so this isn't directly related to GliDOS, but this seems to be the most logical place to find an answer to my problem...

I've had Carmageddon on my hard drive since ages, long before I've installed XP Pro (which I'm using now). The thing is that none of the DOS executables do anything anymore when I run them.... with or without GliDOS, with or without VDMSound; I just get a blank window that disappears in a split second. Executing them from the command prompt just does absolutely nothing - no error, no blank screen, just the command prompt again.

This happens with all of the DOS executables for this game... even SNDSETUP.EXE. The Windows one (i.e. carma95) runs just fine, but that's not what I need if I want to use GliDOS.... anyone ever encountered this problem? any advice?

Thanks in advance,

Reply 1 of 9, by Glidos

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Have you tried running sndsetup by right-clicking on it and selecting Run with VDMS?

Reply 2 of 9, by VileR

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Yes - like I said above, this happens both with and without VDMSound.... of course I do get the VDMS loader message but that's it. The .exe itself (or any other DOS .exe in the game folder) just seems to do absolutely nothing - I might also add that the Task Manager does not report a new process either...

Reply 3 of 9, by Glidos

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Try running them from a command prompt. At least then you can see if there is an error message.


cd <path to SNDSETUP.EXE>

Reply 4 of 9, by VileR

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Already have... again, see first post 😦 Same results with DOSDRV or without.

It's really inexplicable, as if all the DOS executables in the folder somehow became corrupted. For all intents and purposes it's like running a blank batch file... no error message, not a thing, not even a split second delay. I tried to reinstall the 3dfx patch to overwrite those executables, too - still nothing.

Here are some system specs, if that helps - XP Pro SP1; 2.4GHz Intel P4; 768MB RAM; Internal AC97 sound; old GeForce4 MX 440 (64MB).

Oh, and this doesn't seem to happen with any other DOS executables I have on my hd, either... strange.

Reply 5 of 9, by DosFreak

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You say "DOS" executables? Can you try any other DOS games? There are command line programs for 2000/XP but they are not "DOS" and running them does not verify if NTVDM is working properly since they do not use NTVDM.

You need to use actual MS-DOS programs or games to test NTVDM.

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Reply 6 of 9, by VileR

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Yes - I said "DOS executables" since the Splat Pack version (which is what I'm trying to run) also has a set of Windows ones (carma95.exe, etc). I needed to differentiate here because the latter runs fine.

As for other MS-DOS programs and games, sure; everything from Alley Cat to Impulse Tracker - all runs fine on my machine, without VDMS or with it (when it's needed), so my own conclusion is that VDMS is not the issue, especially since I get the exact same problem with Carmageddon whether I run it with VDMS or not.

(Just to clear things up a little bit.... I've been a PC user for almost 20 years and happen to know my way around DOS, Windows, the differences between them, old games, and the general idea of running them on a new system. 😁 Not that I'm trying to belittle your attempts at help, anything's appreciated... just trying to steer this in the right direction. 😀 )

Reply 7 of 9, by Glidos

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Impossible to tell what's going on. If DOS files are working, and those file do not work, then I guess those file are no longer valid DOS files. What's your reason for not just reinstalling?

Reply 8 of 9, by VileR

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Rank l33t
Glidos wrote:

What's your reason for not just reinstalling?

A ridiculously old / beat up / scratched CD, heh.

I see that I'm gonna have to do that anyway, though, so I'll find a replacement and report back if the problem persists. Thanks for now.

Reply 9 of 9, by Glidos

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Rank l33t

Yeah, game wont run without the CD anyway, unless you've found a NOCD crack.