First post, by andee1
Glidos 1,45 (Trial)
No Audio-Ads
No Texture-Ads
VDMSound 2.1.0 (Gamepad support!)
TrAndUbForGlidos.exe as Installer for TR1
TR1 CD@German
Soundchip CMI8738
I just want to play TR1 from CD with the VDMSound gamepad support and background sound and I don't want any music or additional textures. I cannot install the game without Glidos-installer.
PROBLEM: Everything starts and looks so fine! But after 5min of playing the background sound suddenly disapears. 🙁 The game-in audio settings say: fine!
THEN I tried something: I successfully installed TR1 on my simple Notebook in the original way from the CD, replaced the tomb.exe and copied the original tombraid folder to the PC where I gave it another try - and the background sound stayed!
For verifying I tried it several times and the result has always been the same. Playing with the files installed by the latest Glidos-installer, CD-Emulation doesn't work properly. 😵
So what does the latest installer do wrong? It's just coincidence I could install TR1 on another XP-System and was able to make it finally run properly on the PC by using Original-Folder. It doesn't resolve the issue itself. 😐 Further it may help others with the same problem knowing what to do to bypass the issue.
Could someone please inform the developers about this obvious Installer-Bug as I got a feeling it's not a Glidos-Bug. 😖 (cave: Language Issue?)
Thank you and by