First post, by saltytomatoes

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Poll: Which do you like better, TR1 with Glidos, or TR Anniversary?

  • 3 votes (60%) 3 votes (60%)
  • 2 votes (40%) 2 votes (40%)

I know that as far as Tomb Raider is concerned, Glidos is designed to restore it to what it originally should have been. I am thankful to have a designer who loves TR1 as much as I do and also has the knowledge to create such a program.

When you download and install the Glidos audio pack for TR1, the one that restores all the music that was stupidly cut out of the PC version, it writes all of the game's music, voice, and in-game cutscene tracks as mp3 files in the folder "tracks" under Glidos in Program Files. What I noticed, however, is that there are several audio tracks in that folder that never play in the game, not even the Playstation version! One such track is Lara (voice of Shelley Blond) explaining how backing of a ledge and grabbing it on the way down keeps her from getting hurt in a high fall. Another is a shorter and more brass horn-heavy arrangement of the tune that plays when you first enter the Colosseum. There is also a vibraphone chime similar to the familiar "Secret" chime, but deeper and more ominous. I have attached them to this post

I checked, and these hidden tracks are also present on the Playstation game disc as CD audio files (along with the rest of the game's music). So why didn't Paul make use of them in Glidos, perhaps creating new trigger points for the hidden music? It seems that if these were omitted from the PSX version, there would be no reason to include them in the Audio Pack.

Incidentally, I re-edited a couple of the audio pack's mp3 files on my computer to include the missing audio. Just makes the game a little more interesting d 😉

Reply 1 of 4, by Glidos

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Rank l33t

The trigger points are actually in the game itself, and not controlled by Glidos. An earlier version of Glidos did create its own trigger points, but it was very complicated, unreliable and hell to set up. The trick was to recognise that particular textures were being rendered over particular ares of the screen, but a pattern needed to be recognised that happened at no other point in the game.

Then Kevin Bracey came along, noticed that TOMB.EXE actually had the trigger points present, and doctored it to reenable them. Glidos keys on those now, which is much simpler, and completely reliable, but it does mean we have to stick with the original game's trigger points.

One of those tracks you mention, I thought was used in Lara's gym, but I could be wrong.

Reply 2 of 4, by RoyBatty

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Rank Oldbie

Out of curiosity, do you have a reference to what tracks correspond to which triggers? I would very much like to use Kevin's tomb.exe and build myself a new cd to use so I can have lossless audio. =]

Reply 3 of 4, by Glidos

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Rank l33t

Not sure what you mean. I believe the CD just needs to carry the track in the same order as the PS CD.

Reply 4 of 4, by RoyBatty

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Rank Oldbie

AH ok, not a problem then. I just noticed that the music pack had a bunch of weird filenames and it didn't seem like they matched up with the order on the psx disc.

I found another thread on the forum where someone else did this, and he said he had the track list which Kevin made and ordered the tracks correctly for it to work properly. Do you happen to have that list? Or know how I could contact Kevin, or where I can find that list.