Pył, Pyl, Dust English language version

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Reply 100 of 121, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

just the first two levels have disgusting graphics like quake

Reply 101 of 121, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

updated to latest QEmu 7.0.0

Reply 102 of 121, by SparkTR

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Rank Newbie

I tried it out, QEMU boots up with HAXM but unfortunately the Win98 Startup menu says 'Windows has detected a registry/configuration error' and doesn't run the game.

Reply 103 of 121, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

it's a dos game

Reply 104 of 121, by SparkTR

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Rank Newbie

Thanks for the reply. It takes me to the screen attached below. None of the .bat or .exe files work when selected in QEMU, they give errors saying DOS4GW not found or invalid drive specification. Not sure what I'm doing wrong unfortunately.

Reply 105 of 121, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

inst_pyl.bat is for coping game files from the game's cd

Reply 106 of 121, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++


Reply 107 of 121, by DarkLord123

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Rank Newbie

Hi robertmo,

I've tried your package, unfortunately having issues:
1. The autoexec.bat and config.sys are refering to C:\CDROM, which doesn't exist. I've fixed that to C:\ and CDROM is mounted now
2. The autoexec.bat refers to c:\1mouse\ctmouse2/r1, which doesn't exist. Is this needed for the game? If yes, do I just need som freedos cute mouse driver?
3. pyl_instl.bat copied some files, but the DOS4GW was not included, so I've copied it manually.
4. Now I'm getting some graphical activity and QEMU window shows:

c:\Users\admin\Downloads\Pyl-QEMU\Pyl_7z>rem TRYING CDROM e: and HAXM acceleration
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
Failed to sync vcpu reg
Failed to sync vcpu reg
Failed to sync vcpu reg
glidept: DLL loaded - glide2x.dll
trace: _grSstQueryBoards@4 called
trace: _grGlideInit@0 called
glidept: de5c83c-13:29:43 Jul 24 2022 build WRAPFX32
wr2x_trace: _grSstQueryHardware@4
wr2x_trace: _grSstSelect@4
glidept: grSstWinOpen called, fmt 0 org 0 buf 2 aux 1 gLfb 0xfb000000
wr2x_trace: _grSstWinOpen@28
glidept: LFB mode is Shared Memory (fast), One-copy, LfbLockDirty
window 640x480
glidept: grSstWinClose called
glidept: grGlideShutdown called, fifo 0x0028 data 0x0000 shm 0x0040000 lfb 0xfb000000
glidept: GrState 0 VtxLayout 0
glidept: DLL unloaded

Game however fails with message:

Graphics 3DFX Voodoo 640x480 16Bpp Brak sterownika myszki

Is there anything I can do? I'm on
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8259U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
Iris graphics

robertmo wrote on 2022-08-27, 06:08:


Reply 108 of 121, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

just need som freedos cute mouse driver 2.0

Reply 109 of 121, by NicNamSam

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Rank Newbie

I found this source which works well: REMOVED

Last edited by DosFreak on 2023-12-25, 01:24. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 110 of 121, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie

qemu has 4 times more fps than dosbox
dgvoodoo allows removing black bars on top and bottom

Last edited by robertmo3 on 2023-12-24, 16:22. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 111 of 121, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie
Yasashii wrote on 2014-09-07, 12:19:

I didn't like the horror genre (and I still don't), and on top of that, one of the first enemies you encounter were spider-like creatures, which I can't tolerate.

spiders are not enemies, are very tiny (hard to notice at all), and you can ignore them completely, and they are only in the first scene of the game 😀
game is not a horror but s-f, and only first two levels are ugly. Once you pass first two levels you should be fine.
it's incomparable to doom or quake which are disgusting almost all the time on every level.

Reply 112 of 121, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie
Gamecollector wrote on 2012-11-09, 01:55:

This is FPS. Very-very bad FPS.

only first two levels are very-very bad like doom or quake. Rest of the game is very-very good.

Reply 115 of 121, by MrFlibble

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Rank Oldbie

Alright, I played the demo a bit (it's only one level), and the game has nothing to do with Quake or Doom at all. Instead, it's a first-person action-adventure game of sorts that also happens to be an FPS. Since the demo has no built-in hints or a manual whatsoever, I had to look up the video walkthrough of the full game to get a grasp of the basics. Essentially, you need to sneak around and snipe the guards using the sniper scope (Backspace by default) and the single-shot mode of the carbine (default is bursts/auto mode, but you can press 1 to switch between them) as much as possible. There's locational damage so go for the headshots. The enemies appear to simply not see you outside a certain range, regardless of lighting, and the AI generally does not act too sophisticated, but if you make noise or shoot and miss, they'll go for you.

Be prepared to save and load a lot, the level designers were apparently fond of spawning enemies behind the player's back without warning (and clearly in places where they had no way to get there by natural means), and if you miss a stealth shot it's better to reload anyway. The emphasis is clearly on puzzles, stealth and exploration, but I got the impression that this is how the developers conceived of a realistic FPS. The end result seems to have a very limited replay value, at least the demo looks that way, because of the little variety offered by the gameplay. It's either puzzles or sniping at enemies from a safe distance; go the wrong way and you'll be greeted by overwhelming firepower; do things out of sequence, and again you'll run into too many enemies, or a trap, or explosives, all of which means reload game.

Visually, the 3D in software mode reminded me of Azrael's Tear somewhat. Once you figure out how to get around, the setting is very stylish, so I've no idea what all this talk about ugly levels is all about. If it weren't for performance issues and perhaps some gameplay balance, Pył could've easily thrown out of the water some of the more ambitious FPS titles that came much later, like in the early to mid-2000s.

DOS Games Archive | Free open source games | RGB Classic Games

Reply 116 of 121, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie
MrFlibble wrote on 2024-03-26, 15:30:

spawning enemies behind the player's back without warning (and clearly in places where they had no way to get there by natural means)

if you watch video walkthrough you will notice there are door textures on the walls which you cannot open.

Reply 117 of 121, by MrFlibble

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Rank Oldbie
robertmo3 wrote on 2024-03-26, 19:42:

if you watch video walkthrough you will notice there are door textures on the walls which you cannot open.

Well yeah, that might be an "in-universe" explanation, but still it's very obvious that these are the kind of scripted gotcha moments that become old very quickly.

I actually found and read an interview with the developers and it was a small team of young people without prior game development experience, all the more glory to them for making this game, of course.

DOS Games Archive | Free open source games | RGB Classic Games

Reply 118 of 121, by Kerr Avon

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Rank Oldbie
robertmo3 wrote on 2024-03-26, 19:42:

I actually found and read an interview with the developers and it was a small team of young people without prior game development experience, all the more glory to them for making this game, of course.

It's a real pity that the game didn't do (much) better, they deserved the respect and the publicity that would have helped their programming/designing careers. Did they at least get jobs in the gaming industry?