Reply 180 of 225, by ATauenis

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mrwho wrote on 2022-04-11, 21:21:

When I try to install any of the missing packages, tells me it's not available.

Hello. Try to install libssl1.1 from Debian: https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/armhf/li … ssl1.1/download
Seems that Armbian repository have no this package (don't know why).

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 181 of 225, by mrwho

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Rank Newbie
ATauenis wrote on 2022-04-12, 06:29:
mrwho wrote on 2022-04-11, 21:21:

When I try to install any of the missing packages, tells me it's not available.

Hello. Try to install libssl1.1 from Debian: https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/armhf/li … ssl1.1/download
Seems that Armbian repository have no this package (don't know why).

Installed that, and managed to install Webone. THank you. Will explore it later when I get home from work!

Suggest adding that to the troubleshooting area of your documentation.


“Hey, you sass that hoopy MrWho? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."
My home retro drivers repository: ftp://retro:drivers@mrwho.duckdns.org

Reply 182 of 225, by superfury

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Rank l33t++

Just thought about something. With the latest UniPCemu builds, Dosbox,COM0COM and a physical modem you can do really interesting stuff.
You can pass through a real serial port with a modem on it(answering calls) (on Windows/Linux) to the Dosbox program, then inside Dosbox pass it through to it's other COM port (using COM0COM or something comparable that runs inside Dosbox) which is connected to UniPCemu server (with it's nullmodem feature using the transparent parameter enabled) using COM0COM for example. Then you can let that UniPCemu be a dial-up client for the connected modem for internet access, although limited to one client at a time (one for each physical serial port).
That way, using PPP or SLIP you can get ISP access from a serial modem.
Although using SLIP, you need to break the connection to UniPCemu for each time you log on to the server.
PPP otoh supports reconnection (theoretically), as long as the proper packets are sent to the server before terminating the connection.

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
UniPCemu Git repository
UniPCemu for Android, Windows, PSP, Vita and Switch on itch.io

Reply 183 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.11.3 is ready.
Despite the fact that there are many tasks and events distracting me from the development, I'm found time to fix some small bugs.

  • Fixed `Server start failed: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.HttpListener'` error on some Windows machines on first launch.
  • Fixed `Warning: Converter "yt.bat" in Edit Set at webone.conf, line 212 is not present in lists of converters` when using Youtube-dl+FFmpeg glue script (`yt.bat`).
  • Fixed Content-Type HTTP header of videos, converted by `yt.bat`.
  • Added edit sets for all default IE 4.01 SP2 Active Channels.

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.11.3

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 184 of 225, by superfury

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Rank l33t++

People using Dosbox or the like for internet connection might want to try UniPCemu's current commits.
It has improved PPP support for IPX and TCP/IP over the serial connection to the Dosbox (or compatible) modem.
It also has some big improvements that will be in the release version once it's ready to release (already available if you're compiling from source).
Although that release isn't because of the packet server but because some other CPU-related issues are still known to be there (Windows 2000 not booting for example).

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
UniPCemu Git repository
UniPCemu for Android, Windows, PSP, Vita and Switch on itch.io

Reply 185 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.12b1 is ready.
I have found that Ubuntu 22.04 have no package for .NET 3.1 Runtime. So, it's a time to upgrade .NET version to recent 6.0 LTS, which is supported in Ubuntu 22.04/22.10 too. Theoretically, minimum system requirements are same as in .NET Core 3.1 (Win7 SP1, Ubuntu 16.04/Debian 9, macOS 10.13). On Linux systems, WebOne deb/rpm package will install dotnet-runtime-6.0 if it is not already installed.

This version currently have no other new features, and this is why it is marked as Beta. Next stable v0.12 will have some interesting things for those, who want to use it on public servers. 😀 Wait some time, when I'll implement them in code.

Download link: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.12b1

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 186 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.12.0 is ready.

  • Added support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, upcoming 22.10 and CentOS Stream 9.
  • Updated version of used .NET Runtime. Now WebOne is using .NET 6.0 LTS instead of .NET 3.1 LTS.
  • Added support for banning clients by IPs ([IpBanList]) or some pages by URL ([UrlBlackList]).
  • Added support for limiting access to only particular clients ([IpWhiteList]) or to only particular URLs ([UrlWhiteList]).
  • Added support for multiple proxy server public names ([HostNames] list). This may be useful for VPS or similar public hosts with few DNS names or IP addresses.
  • Added support for converting YouTube videos via youtube-dl & ffmpeg on Linux & macOS servers (via "yt.sh" script).
  • Added ability to limit maximum date of pages, finding in Web Archive via ArchiveDateLimit option in configuration file.
  • Improved work with Web Archive. Now there are less "Available, but somewhere" and "No snapshots" errors even when Web Archive contains a good archived copy.
  • Fixed loss of client's request headers in some cases.

Downloads: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.12.0

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 187 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.12.1 is ready.
It contains fix of a bug, and have improved support for YouTube video downloading.

  • Fixed connecting to other servers through WebOne, running on same host as the proxy.
  • Added support for OnHostOS detection rule. Now edit sets may be active or inactive depending on proxy server OS. This is useful for things related to file converting.
  • Added default rule to download & convert YouTube videos on URLs in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxx&dl format.

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.12.1

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 188 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.12.2 is ready.

  • Added support for Keep-Alive connections to servers. This significantly improving speed of page loading. Some sites are now opening more than 3 times faster than via previous versions.
  • Fixed processing of 404 errors and similar. Now if SearchInArchive option is enabled (it's enabled by default), WebOne will always try to load archived copies of "not found" pages. In v0.8.0-0.12.1 this feature worked not quite stable.
  • Fixed installing in Ubuntu 22.04/22.10 on armhf/arm64 architectures.
  • Dropped support for InternalRedirectOn list in configuration files. It was a rudiment from older versions, and has not been widely used.

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.12.2

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 189 of 225, by superfury

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Rank l33t++

I've been working on my packet server a lot lately.

Now, with the latest commits, it allows for the network mask of the host and the network mask of the clients (which can be different to provide a different subnet) to be patching the IPv4 packets onto the host network for the broadcast addresses as well (so with a host 123.456.789.200 (running the server) with netmask and the client at 123.456.789.128 (netmask with 62 available IP addresses (up to .191), it can now patch the IPv4 packets sent from the client (to 123.456.789.191) to be sent to the host network on 123.456.789.255. Of course, receiving from .255 on the host network is then patched back to the client network (at .191) when receiving said packets (or any of those broadcast subnet IP packets on the host network by other machines outside of UniPCemu).
So that should theoretically allow for the host network to be able to broadcast (ofc including the address, which remains sent unchanged to the client network, as it's defined in IPv4 specs) based on both the subnet mask of either network (host network sending using the host subnet and client sending on the client subnet) and it'll be heard by all machines with the host and client network masks!
So that should, theoretically at least, allow SMB and other protocols requiring the subnet-based broadcast address to work accross the client and host networks.

That's of course assuming there's not anything else going wrong with SMB.
I've noticed myself that although I see SMB and "net diag" in Windows 95 OSR 2.5 sending to the broadcast addresses (which according to my testing should be received by all devices on the host and client networks):
- net diag as host on the first machine can't connect to net diag as host on the second machine (both connected to UniPCemu).
- The reverse does work (the first client hosting can be talked to with "net diag" on the second machine)?
- Both using SMB can't reach each other's shares?
- Pinging each other and reaching the default gateway for the internet (as well as pinging other devices on the host network) seems to work fine.

Anyone knows if I'm missing something that's still required to get SMB and "net diag" to work?
Edit: Removed the routing of the broadcast IP packets to the host network and vise versa. It shouldn't be done, apparently(the code is just commented out though). Also filtered out those broadcast IPv4 packets on the host receiver (client network receiver still passes them, from it's own clients, through to it's own network.
Subnet mask is now also applied on receiving, with broadcast IP being filtered based on subnet mask, client IP address(for detecting destination network) and source address(for detecting destination network it's to be delivered to)).

Last edited by superfury on 2022-09-05, 10:33. Edited 1 time in total.

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
UniPCemu Git repository
UniPCemu for Android, Windows, PSP, Vita and Switch on itch.io

Reply 190 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

superfury, SMB is a strange thing, and even sometimes don't work properly even in real LANs.


Latest WebOne update brings unexpected new feature. Now MSN/Windows Messenger can use HTTP Proxy mode to connect to Escargot servers.
More: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/discussion … comment-3550739

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 192 of 225, by ATauenis

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Seems that Ubiquiti scans LAN for open ports on machines, and is sending a POST request to found things. It may be either a correct work of some features of Ubiquiti (probably it expects a some client program running on port 8080, used for some kind of remote monitoring or media streaming), or a result of virus in its firmware.

WebOne is a good port scan detector. 😀 It is reporting any HTTP connections in log.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 193 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.12.3 is ready.

  • Fixed crash with "Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException" message on some bad formed requests (like when browsing local disks via buggy MSIE 3.0).
  • Fixed displaying of some archived pages, when they're retrieving via automatic redirect to Web Archive.
  • Added Windows XP, Vista and Windows Media Player 8, 10, 11 internal URLs redirection: "Use the Web service to find the appropriate program" for unknown extensions, "Add network place" cloud service list, Windows Marketplace, Windows Live Essentials (Vista), Windows Media Guide, Radio Tuner, Online Services.
  • Traffic dumps (when enabled) now can be used to debug edit sets.
  • Fixed bug, when traffic dumps gets corrupted. Their bodies also now gets saved always, when it's appropriate.
  • Added --dump command line argument support, and AddDumping edit set rule support. They enables dumping of HTTP traffic (disabled by default).

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.12.3

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 194 of 225, by my03

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Hi, i must compliment you on your excellent utility. Myself (as i'm sure a vast majority here) find this extremely helpful to get the retirees online now and then 😀 I ran it on my W10 (where it of course worked perfectly fine) and then i tried to search around for an rPI build of it before i stumbled across the Docker image (also linked on your wiki-page) and i now run it on my Qnap TS252pro using container station (works very good on there as well).

Thank you ATauenis for releasing this 😀

Reply 195 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.13.0 is ready.

  • Added auto-detection of proxy server IP even if it is not set in DefaultHostName. Now auto-configuration is working correctly.
  • Added support for forwarding traffic from MSIE 8/9/11 and early MS Edge on the local machine too. Set UpperProxy=no in WebOne configuration, and then set connection through localhost:8080 proxy in Windows Internet Control Panel (MSIE Settings).
  • Added support for cascaded proxies. Use UpperProxy= if you want to use WebOne through other proxy in the network (caching, or corporative).
  • Added ability to edit Proxy Auto-Configuration script (used to auto-configure clients) via [PAC] section of WebOne configuration file. This can be used to set bypassing proxy for some sites or browsers.
  • Added support to using values of HTTP headers in edit sets. Use %Request.User-Agent%, %Response.Location%, %Response.HttpStatusCode% and similar in traffic edit rules. This probably can be useful for reanimating some dead HTTP-based protocols in future.
  • Fixed "guru meditation" on some connection timeouts.
  • Added IE 6 SP1 online setup support for some languages.
  • Added my.opera.com support in older Opera browsers. So it's now possible to download skins for the browser.

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.13.0

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 196 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.14.0 is ready.

  • Added Web-FTP client. Now it's possible to view directories and download files from FTP servers through web browser. Also this enables FTP support in browsers without it, like MSIE 1.0/1.5 and Firefox 88+, Chrome 81+. Use http://localhost:8080/!ftp/.
  • Added some "http://ftp://example.com/dir/file.txt" URL-scheme support. So it's became easier to open FTP links via WebOne.
  • Added support for setting custom colors on internal pages. Or, simpler, apply skins to error pages. To enable dark theme, use PageStyleHtml or PageStyleCss settings.
  • Internal error and status pages got a small design refresh. In Netscape 4.0+, Internet Explorer 5.0+ and Mozilla, Opera now they look slightly stylish.
  • Fixed YouTube downloading on Linux ("Exec format error" in yt.sh).
  • Fixed "'utf8' is not a supported encoding name" guru meditation on some pages.
  • Fixed ability to configure PAC Script via custom configuration files.

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.14.0

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 197 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

The development is continuing. A small announce about the next proxy version:
Remind, which Flash Player version is required for YouTube in 2023? 😀

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 198 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.15 is ready.

  • Added automatic converting of WebP pictures to PNG for Firefox 1.0-64.0 and SeaMonkey 1.x, Netscape 6/7.
  • Added stable support for installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.01 (RTM/SP1/SP2), 5.5 (RTM/SP1/SP2) and 6.0 SP1 using online installers for all (I'm hope) languages.
  • Added new online video download support. Via http://localhost:8080/!webvideo/ it's possible to use most of youtube-dl and ffmpeg options in URL.
  • Default youtube-dl and ffmpeg options are stored in WebVideoOptions section of configuration file.
  • Added support for playing online videos via web browser (using WMP/VLC/Flash/AVI plug-ins or HTML5 player): http://localhost:8080/!player/
  • Added support for video convert under lightweight environments without script interpreter (like Docker).
  • Updated bundled versions of FFmpeg and Youtube-DL in Windows builds.
  • Added support for HTTP/2 remote connections.
  • Added support for HTTP/3 remote connections (disabled by default).
  • Added support for multiple HTTP/2 connections. This may bump performance, but violates protocol. Configurable via MultipleHttp2Connections option.
  • Added RemoteHttpVersion option, which allows select HTTP(S) version (up to HTTP/3) and version policy.
  • Fixed display of FTP symbolic links.

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.15.0

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 199 of 225, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.15.1 is ready.
It's nice to hear that a lot of people are enjoying the project (and why did I forget to say this before). 😀 Today I release a version with minor bug fixes.

  • Fixed 80200011, 80244008, 80072f76 errors when using with LegacyUpdate.net or Windows Server Update Services.
  • By default, the fix of "80244008: Unknown error" is disabled. To allow work of Legacy Update, set AllowHttpCompression=no in [Server] section of WebOne configuration. The fix may some slow down the proxy, so that's why it isn't used by default.
  • The automatic update of Windows 2000/XP systems with Legacy Update add-on is working correctly now. Win2008/Vista/7, probably, also will too. 😀
  • Fixed text-transform CSS declarations under Firefox <15.0.
  • Fixed some CSS3 declarations under Firefox <15.0.
  • Fixed "Idle process youtube-dl killed" error on some long videos and slow internet connection.
  • Added support to get only video metadata via WebOne+Youtube-DL. Use dump-json=yes parameter of http://proxy/!webvideo/ URL for download.
  • Removed old yt.bat and yt.sh scripts (/!webvideo/ and /!player/ pages are quite nice now and don't use these scripts).

Download page: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.15.1

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.