Reply 20 of 225, by t9999clint

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JonathonWyble wrote:

That's cool, but would image converting destroy the relationship your project has with acting as a proxy? Just asking. Well, I guess it does seem like a good idea to add miscellaneous stuff into a project made for a certain task 😀

I was asking for this feature to improve the compatibility of certain websites with these older browsers. By converting these images to a simpler format it'll fix a lot of wierd graphical issues that occurs when the site tries to load images that are either a: too big to fit in ram or b: a format not supported by the vintage browser.
While I agree that this isn't a high priority, I strongly disagree that this would destroy the overall idea of the project.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 21 of 225, by ATauenis

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JonathonWyble wrote:

That's cool, but would image converting destroy the relationship your project has with acting as a proxy? Just asking.

No. WebOne is not a regular proxy server like Squid/MS-ISA, it is a proxy that edits traffic to make it appropriate for certain browsers using rules and patches from configuration file. It can almost don't make changes if webone.conf contains only Server section, and then the proxy will act like Squid or something like it (but with freezes and slow work on large amount of clients 😀 ). But this is not what I made this app for. So image converting will be a continue of set of possible patches for webpages' content.

Image converting (in v0.9 or 0.10) will be optional feature, just like the current redirections to Web Archive.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 22 of 225, by JonathonWyble

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ATauenis wrote:
JonathonWyble wrote:

That's cool, but would image converting destroy the relationship your project has with acting as a proxy? Just asking.

No. WebOne is not a regular proxy server like Squid/MS-ISA, it is a proxy that edits traffic to make it appropriate for certain browsers using rules and patches from configuration file. It can almost don't make changes if webone.conf contains only Server section, and then the proxy will act like Squid or something like it (but with freezes and slow work on large amount of clients 😀 ). But this is not what I made this app for. So image converting will be a continue of set of possible patches for webpages' content.

Yeah, Squid is also a proxy server software, kind of like WebOne, but WebOne seems to have different features, because I believe Squid is mostly used for things like web filtering, IIRC. WebOne is mostly a proxy software that's capable of handling HTTP 2.0 on older web browsers.

1998 Pentium II build


Reply 23 of 225, by ATauenis

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JonathonWyble, exactly!


Version 0.8.1 is ready

  • Fixed parsing of startup arguments. Now it's possible to start with a some config file with a overrided port number: webone.exe PORT CONFIG-FILE. It was announced in previous releases, but before was broken.
  • Instead of [ContentPatchFind:] sections a new [ContentPatch:mask] kind of sections were introduced. Now content patches may be applied only to certain files or content. Their URLs or Content-Types may be used as a rules (filters).
  • URL editing can now be used to make "hidden" redirects (not via 302 response code and like 0.6.x versions, by returning content from "valid" url without changing address in web-browser address bar). It may be useful for sites with forced redirections to "http://example.com:443/" to remove ":443" from URL and solve problems with it. To use the new feature set Internal=yes in a [FixableURL] section.
  • [FixableURL] sections can now use a new mask: %UrlNoPort%. It meaning original URL without port number. This feature was added to solve the problem above.
  • Default webone.conf file is now containing more patches and redirection rules.
  • Now IE4's Active Channels are working again without manual editing of *.cdf files in installed system. Just click Subscribe and "updated" channels will get downloaded.

It's available at http://github.com/atauenis/webone/tree/master/EXE

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 24 of 225, by sparty411

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Rank Newbie

I registered just so I could congratulate you on your work with this project! Very neat! I can't wait to give it a spin later on 😀

Reply 25 of 225, by sparty411

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Rank Newbie

I can confirm webone is working wonderfully for me on Safari 4.1.3! Great work!

Reply 26 of 225, by DankEngihn

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Any updates on this?

Reply 27 of 225, by sparty411

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Rank Newbie
DankEngihn wrote:

Any updates on this?

There haven’t been any updates in the github page for almost a month now. I hope this project hasn’t been abandoned.

Reply 28 of 225, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++
sparty411 wrote:
DankEngihn wrote:

Any updates on this?

There haven’t been any updates in the github page for almost a month now. I hope this project hasn’t been abandoned.

I wouldn't be surprised if it never was again after reading that comment. Get a grip.

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Reply 29 of 225, by t9999clint

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sparty411 wrote:
DankEngihn wrote:

Any updates on this?

There haven’t been any updates in the github page for almost a month now. I hope this project hasn’t been abandoned.

People have lives, he'll get around to it when he has time. He's giving us all free labour for doing this, I'm willing to be patient.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 30 of 225, by sparty411

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DosFreak wrote:
sparty411 wrote:
DankEngihn wrote:

Any updates on this?

There haven’t been any updates in the github page for almost a month now. I hope this project hasn’t been abandoned.

I wouldn't be surprised if it never was again after reading that comment. Get a grip.

What was wrong with my comment? All I said is that there haven’t been any commits in a month on GitHub, and that I hope the project hasn’t been abandoned. How about you get a grip.

Reply 31 of 225, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

This is like pissing in the wind but.....Since it bothers you so much then start making some commits, better hurry up though it's been a whole month since the last one.

/EDIT This is my last comment on this.

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
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Reply 32 of 225, by Caluser2000

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Rank l33t

Who needs a proxy when you can use a new web browser on 23 year old hardware?

Great effort all the same though.

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 33 of 225, by sparty411

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Rank Newbie
DosFreak wrote:

This is like pissing in the wind but.....Since it bothers you so much then start making some commits, better hurry up though it's been a whole month since the last one.

>since it bothers you so much

Reply 34 of 225, by Caluser2000

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Rank l33t

You two better get room. I sure the members a feed up of your squabbling.

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 35 of 225, by roytam1

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Rank Newbie
ATauenis wrote:

Version 0.2 has been released. It is now possible to set program's settings in the webone.conf file. Also it is now working in both Windows 7+ (.NET 4.6+) and WinXP/2003 (.NET 4.0), but if the .NET Framework version is less than 4.6 (e.g. 4.0 or 4.5), some SSL/TLS features will be unusable.

FYI: blackwingcat made a patched "TLS 1.2 Support for .Net Framework 4.0(KB4483475)" that brings TLS 1.2 to XP/2000(extended kernel)

Reply 36 of 225, by ATauenis

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The project is not fully abandoned. Currently I have other projects and tasks and cannot develop WebOne. I'm planning to fix processing of POST requests from Mozilla 1.x (sometimes they are crashing WebOne), release v0.8.2, then add support for picture file converting/compression and make v0.9 at end of this year.

Roytam1, thanks, but it's looking that the update is available only for Japanese versions. 😢 I'm more often using English and Russian (or English+Rus. MUI) systems.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 37 of 225, by t9999clint

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Thanks for the update. Really looking forward to the image compression feature. 😀
Don't worry about us though, take your time.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 38 of 225, by Badscrew

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I have to try this!

Reply 39 of 225, by Badscrew

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From dev perspective, how much work would it be to refactor it for .net core?
Imagine being able to run it on a small headless linux SOC like rpi zero!