Reply 40 of 57, by ajacocks

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Rank Member

This is a very interesting project. Windows 2000 is definitely a watershed moment in Microsoft's timeline, since it's when they first moved beyond DOS for home users. Obviously Windows XP gained a lot more wide-spread acceptance, but the presence of DirectX, by default, in the NT series allowed a lot more home/gaming use than was easily possible on Windows NT 4.

Thanks for bringing this important OS to more modern hardware!

- Alex

Reply 41 of 57, by Start me up

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Rank Newbie
bakemono wrote on 2023-12-24, 12:27:

followed the discord link and got an error page saying it's no longer valid

Thank you. I notified the channel owner and he posted a new discord link in the MSFN forum.

When I tested the old link, discord considered my testing as "suspicious behaviour" and locked down my discord account. I could unlock it again, if I had a phone to receive their SMS. But I do not own one so I won't be in the channel anymore. (just in case you are wondering)

Reply 42 of 57, by Duffman

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Rank Oldbie

@Start me up

It should be possible to have the unlock code sent to your email, that's what mine does.

MB: ASRock B550 Steel Legend
CPU: Ryzen 9 5950X
RAM: Corsair 64GB Kit (4x16GB) DDR4 Veng LPX C18 4000MHz
SSDs: 2x Crucial MX500 1TB SATA + 1x Samsung 980 (non-pro) 1TB NVMe SSD
OSs: Win 11 Pro (NVMe) + WinXP Pro SP3 (SATA)
GPU: RTX2070 (11) GT730 (XP)

Reply 43 of 57, by bakemono

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Rank Oldbie
Start me up wrote on 2023-12-25, 11:05:

Thank you. I notified the channel owner and he posted a new discord link in the MSFN forum.

When I tested the old link, discord considered my testing as "suspicious behaviour" and locked down my discord account. I could unlock it again, if I had a phone to receive their SMS. But I do not own one so I won't be in the channel anymore. (just in case you are wondering)

Oh no! Sorry to hear that. I was able to make it in with the new link though so thanks for that.

again another retro game on itch: https://90soft90.itch.io/shmup-salad

Reply 44 of 57, by win2000

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Rank Newbie
Start me up wrote on 2023-12-25, 11:05:
bakemono wrote on 2023-12-24, 12:27:

followed the discord link and got an error page saying it's no longer valid

Thank you. I notified the channel owner and he posted a new discord link in the MSFN forum.

When I tested the old link, discord considered my testing as "suspicious behaviour" and locked down my discord account. I could unlock it again, if I had a phone to receive their SMS. But I do not own one so I won't be in the channel anymore. (just in case you are wondering)

Hello, start me up. I am Windows2000Warrior. I've read the issue you encountered. I apologize for fixing the link late. Please try to resolve the issue and return to us on the server. Alternatively, you can try with a new account if you prefer. We need you with us on the server, and we look forward to your return.

Windows2000Warrior 🛡️

Reply 45 of 57, by elszgensa

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Rank Member
ajacocks wrote on 2023-12-24, 16:24:

[Windows 2000 is] when they first moved beyond DOS for home users.

No. While it got somewhat popular there, 2K was never aimed at home users. That honor would have gone to "Neptune", but as that got cancelled, XP it is.

Start me up wrote on 2023-12-25, 11:05:

I could unlock [that Discord account] again, if I had a phone to receive their SMS. But I do not own one

Same requirement for new account registrations, apparently. Discord is a barely-searchable, not-publically-indexable information black hole anyways, and should not be used as a project's knowledge base. Good riddance.

Reply 46 of 57, by win2000

User metadata
Rank Newbie
elszgensa wrote on 2023-12-25, 22:43:

Same requirement for new account registrations, apparently. Discord is a barely-searchable, not-publically-indexable information black hole anyways, and should not be used as a project's knowledge base. Good riddance.

At the moment we have no other solution to replace Discord. We are still planning exactly what we will do.

Windows2000Warrior 🛡️

Reply 47 of 57, by digger

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Rank Oldbie
win2000 wrote on 2023-12-26, 12:04:
elszgensa wrote on 2023-12-25, 22:43:

Same requirement for new account registrations, apparently. Discord is a barely-searchable, not-publically-indexable information black hole anyways, and should not be used as a project's knowledge base. Good riddance.

At the moment we have no other solution to replace Discord. We are still planning exactly what we will do.

Have you considered Element? It uses the Matrix network and is a good alternative for Slack and Discord.


Reply 48 of 57, by wbahnassi

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Rank Member

Pardon me, but isn't Windows 2000 a 32-bit OS? What's the point of running it on modern hardware if it's not going to support 64-bit apps? I'm a big fan of Win2K, but I can't see it able to replace Win11 for day-to-day tasks if it can't run modern software.

Reply 49 of 57, by win2000

User metadata
Rank Newbie
wbahnassi wrote on 2023-12-26, 17:23:

Pardon me, but isn't Windows 2000 a 32-bit OS? What's the point of running it on modern hardware if it's not going to support 64-bit apps? I'm a big fan of Win2K, but I can't see it able to replace Win11 for day-to-day tasks if it can't run modern software.

so even Windows 2000 is only 32bit but it can run new applications for the day-to-day tasks (Depending on the job you work in) with blackwingcat extended kernel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXlJukLvRGs&t=302s

Windows2000Warrior 🛡️

Reply 50 of 57, by win2000

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Rank Newbie
digger wrote on 2023-12-26, 16:43:
win2000 wrote on 2023-12-26, 12:04:
elszgensa wrote on 2023-12-25, 22:43:

Same requirement for new account registrations, apparently. Discord is a barely-searchable, not-publically-indexable information black hole anyways, and should not be used as a project's knowledge base. Good riddance.

At the moment we have no other solution to replace Discord. We are still planning exactly what we will do.

Have you considered Element? It uses the Matrix network and is a good alternative for Slack and Discord.


Thanks for informing me about https://element.io/. I will plan to create a community on it in the future. However, currently, I cannot compel anyone to migrate because the project is still in the planning phase. Many people are eagerly awaiting the start of the coding tasks. Once the project kicks off, I'll attempt to convince them to consider migrating. Therefore, I'm unable to ask the 70 individuals on the Discord server to make the switch at this time. i hope now @start me up to return to the server because in fact, he was the person most interested in the project among those present.

Windows2000Warrior 🛡️

Reply 51 of 57, by elszgensa

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Rank Member
win2000 wrote on 2023-12-26, 17:32:

blackwingcat extended kernel

...still limits you to 32 bit applications.

wbahnassi wrote on 2023-12-26, 17:23:

What's the point of running [Win2K] on modern hardware if it's not going to support 64-bit apps? [It's useless] if it can't run modern software.

A huge amount of modern applications are still being compiled as 32 bit binaries. I think if you looked into it you'd be surprised how many, and how useable a 32 bit system can still be.

And, going beyond that, if you change your thinking from "I need to use tool X" to "I need to get task X done using whichever tool can do the job", then the world's your oyster.

Reply 52 of 57, by wbahnassi

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Rank Member

My daily work is writing C++ code with Visual Studio 2022. I need VS because the platform toolchains and debuggers I use are only supported as VS plug-ins. That and of course the Office suite, but I can revert to a 32-bit version of that without problems.

Reply 54 of 57, by Start me up

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Rank Newbie
ajacocks wrote on 2023-12-24, 16:24:

This is a very interesting project. ... Thanks for bringing this important OS to more modern hardware!

Well, thank you Alex. I'm glad if my driver is put to good use.

win2000 wrote on 2023-12-25, 18:23:

Hello, start me up. I am Windows2000Warrior.

Oh, hello Windows2000Warrior, welcome here on Vogons. I didn't knew that you were aware of the discussion over here.

Problem with discord:

Duffman wrote on 2023-12-25, 12:18:

It should be possible to have the unlock code sent to your email

I don't think, that I have a choice, whether I use my email address or my phone number to unlock the discord account.

The attachment discord_1.png is no longer available

Discord wanted a valid email address from me when I registered to validate that I'm not a software. Now that they have my email address, they want a valid phone number from me, once again under the pretense to validate that I am not a software. Even if I would be a friend of handing over every personal information they ask for, this simply fails because I don't have a phone.

win2000 wrote on 2023-12-25, 18:23:

You can try with a new account

Yes, this will work. It will only be a matter of time until my new account gets closed down, too, but this approach works.

bakemono wrote on 2023-12-25, 15:52:
Start me up wrote on 2023-12-25, 11:05:

When I tested the old link, discord considered my testing as "suspicious behaviour" and locked down my discord account.

Oh no! Sorry to hear that.

There is no need to apologize. Discord is just a pretty "exclusive" club (literally speaking).

Compatibility with 64 bit applications:

wbahnassi wrote on 2023-12-26, 17:23:

What's the point of running [Windows 2000] on modern hardware if it's not going to support 64-bit apps? ... I can't see it able to replace Win11 for day-to-day tasks if it can't run modern software.

From a programmer's point of view, there is no need to support the 64 bit operating mode, because the 64 bit operating mode fixes no problem that exists in the 32 bit operating mode. For more information about the non-existing supremacy of the 64 bit operating mode, please check my recent post in a different topic:
Re: Intel publishes a white paper on x86S, a 64-bit only architecture

elszgensa wrote on 2023-12-26, 18:06:

change your thinking from "I need to use tool X" to "I need to get task X done using whichever tool can do the job"

That's a pretty good point, because replacing Windows 11 becomes unneccesary hard when the only accepted solution is to use Windows 11.

From a compatibility point of view, it would be nice if 64 bit applications run in Windows 2000. But there are many areas where the compatibility of the operating system can be improved. Working on compatibility with 64 bit applications would be a bad choice because of the inefficiency. That's because a lot of efforts would need to be spent to support the 64 bit mode in Windows 2000 while the profit would be minimal. Even if the 64 bit mode was supported, it would still be a long way to get 64 bit applications running in Windows 2000, if they were written for Windows 11. And if we gone through all the trouble to fully support 64 applications for Windows 11 then Microsoft's current operating system would be something like Windows 15.

By choosing more efficient ways the compatibility of Windows 2000 will be higher than when someone works on 64 bit support.

long term usage of Windows 2000 vs. Windows 11:
In the end it's not about having the ultimate operating system which outperforms every other operating system in every aspect. No operating system fills this position. It's more about improving the existing situation of Windows 2000 a bit.

Windows 2000 is a good base to start with when someone is looking for an operating for a long term usage. Windows 11 would be a bad choice because it's not an operating system you can use for long. The life time of Windows 11 is very limited by the fact that Windows 11 users depend heavily on Microsoft and Microsoft will want to sell their next version soon. Windows 10 was announced to be the last operating system because users got sick of switching the operating system again and again. But then still Windows 10 was replaced by 11 and we don't even have a promise for 11 this time.

Working on the core of Windows 2000 by writing drivers for example is much easier than working on Windows 11.

Reply 55 of 57, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

If you really want/need to run 64bit applications on Windows 2000 you can install Vmware WKS v7.1.3 and a 64bit guest as long as you are using a 64bit CPU. I remember doing this years ago to check out Aero Glass with Windows 7 while using Windows 2000 as a host.

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
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Reply 56 of 57, by win2000

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Rank Newbie
win2000 wrote on 2023-12-25, 18:23:

Hello, start me up. I am Windows2000Warrior.

Start me up wrote on 2023-12-26, 21:13:

Oh, hello Windows2000Warrior, welcome here on Vogons. I didn't knew that you were aware of the discussion over here.

win2000 wrote on 2023-12-25, 18:23:

You can try with a new account

Start me up wrote on 2023-12-26, 21:13:

Yes, this will work. It will only be a matter of time until my new account gets closed down, too, but this approach works.

win2000 wrote on 2023-12-25, 18:23:

I am waiting for you and you are welcome at all times. I do not think that they will close a new account for you as well, since you have now tried it and will not fall into the same mistake. The server link is now new : https://discord.gg/EFGR9BKm3U >> This link, dated 06/05/2024, expires in 30 days. If I do not update the date after 6 days, do not click on it until I update the link date, meaning the link has changed.

Last edited by win2000 on 2024-05-06, 17:25. Edited 7 times in total.

Windows2000Warrior 🛡️

Reply 57 of 57, by Duffman

User metadata
Rank Oldbie
Start me up wrote on 2023-12-26, 21:13:

Discord wanted a valid email address from me when I registered to validate that I'm not a software. Now that they have my email address, they want a valid phone number from me, once again under the pretense to validate that I am not a software. Even if I would be a friend of handing over every personal information they ask for, this simply fails because I don't have a phone.

Ah OK.
I don't have a phone number tied to my discord account, so I guess that's why it doesn't bug my phone.

If you don't have access to that phone number I think there should still be a way to contact discord support about it. I'm sure this wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened.

MB: ASRock B550 Steel Legend
CPU: Ryzen 9 5950X
RAM: Corsair 64GB Kit (4x16GB) DDR4 Veng LPX C18 4000MHz
SSDs: 2x Crucial MX500 1TB SATA + 1x Samsung 980 (non-pro) 1TB NVMe SSD
OSs: Win 11 Pro (NVMe) + WinXP Pro SP3 (SATA)
GPU: RTX2070 (11) GT730 (XP)